Central Florida Food Forest Update - Garden Walkthrough

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Central Florida Food Forest Update - Garden Walkthrough

In this video I wanted to do a walkthrough of my backyard Food Forest that's located on less than 1/8 of an acre in Orlando, Florida. In this area alone I have over 50 different plants, fruit trees, vegetables, herbs and spices and it's my mission to inspire others to show you how easy it is to grow food!

Plants and topics discussed: Cranberry Hibiscus, Sweet Potato, Watermelon, Squash, Pumpkins, Okra, Loquat, Moringa, Sea Grapes, Pineapple, Avocado, Cucumber, Citrus Trees, Mangoes, Peach, Banana, Longevity Spinach, Okinawa Spinach, Rosemary, Ashwaganda, Sage, Echinachea, Mamay Sapote, Rambutan, Plum, Aloe Vera, Egyptian Spinach, Starfruit Carambola, Blueberries, Raspberries, Compost, Worm Tea, Vermicompost, Worm Castings and cats!

Sign up for our Seed Swap coming early 2014 to get a head start on your spring plantings!!

🌿🌿 Start composting with a GeoBin! Ideal for all skill levels and designed to get you composting kitchen scraps and yard waste with EASE!!

Purchase a RovSun Water Distiller here through this link to help support the channel

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🌳🌳 Welcome to Mike's In The Garden! 🙌🙌

Hi, I'm Mike and its my MISSION to show you how easy it is to grow food!!

I've started my Food Forest on less than a .25 acre in Orlando, Florida! I've been documenting everything from when construction began summer of 2022 when all I had was a grass lawn, to now having over 40 different plants, fruit trees, vegetables, herbs & spices here in my Central Florida Food Forest!

This channel is designed to help educate myself and to show others what I'm growing and how I'm doing it, what grows well and what doesn't, as well as learn from others and their experiences.

I knew next to nothing about gardening and by learning about permaculture, watching others and actually going out and experimenting in my own yard, I want to share what I've learned to help others and continue to educate myself!

This channel will provide valuable information from many different individuals with backgrounds in permaculture and gardening. Most will have knowledge of growing in Central Florida and overall gardening practices in general.

My focus is on Permaculture and perennial plants that will keep producing year after year. I have many annuals as well and want to inspire and transfer this information to anyone that's interested.

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Copyright MITG 2023
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Idk why but it’s funny how he’s just straight up eating his garden 😂 I’m just now starting mine I’m excited !!!!


i'm glad you mention that a "weed" is useful to bring in pollinators.
we need to change our ideas of what a "weed " is and their importance.
thank you.


This was like watching a show from HGTV lol. It looks so different from when I was there last time, which wasn’t that long ago. Love the new additions, one of the BEST gardens out of anyone that I know. Always enjoy your content Mike!! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼🔥


I have a lot of plants from seeds too, it mazing to see them grow. Waiting for fruits. Love your Garden.


Love to see your beautiful garden. I planted 2 banana trees and now, 2 years later I have over 8 banana trees and that is with me giving over 6 away and tossing 3. So think about how many you plant. Basils are the best pollinators for bees. Love that you grow from seeds. Your Cuban oregano will take over but great for teas and seasoning meats


Gardening is so much fun, stress relief and keeping your self useful and healthy. I also add a dove cage to my yard for collecting waste to the plants. ❤❤❤❤


Great video. I may be moving to Central Florida, and I’m looking forward to doing a food forest as we have one up here in Maryland, but of course it will require total change in the types of crops we will grow


Love how u just be grubn on the leaves 🌞🙌🏾 appreciate ya sharing ya knowledge and experience 🕺🏽🏁


Super cool garden bro, probably would wash stuff before I eat it tho, birds poop on plants, vultures are birds..


I’m in Orlando too and find it very challenging to figure out what can tolerate our intense heat that I actually want to eat. My pineapples are doing great (though were better last year) and I’ve harvested a few this year. Thanks for your tips. I especially like your compost bins. Might look into getting one.


I’ve heard Florida Prince Peaches grow well in Florida weather.


I met a guy who had a small orchard and kept all his trees 5 ft tall, it was beautiful and produced a lot of fruit.


Thank you for what you do. I am the same way. I propagate my seeds. It makes me happy.


You'll want to cut back that moringa before hurricane season as they are brittle and will snap in strong winds. Recommended height 4-5' or short enough to where you can easily cut it off.


The plant you found by the side of the road looks like my leaf of life. It's quick to spread.


Hahhahahah!!! The thing literally "Blue" UP! As fast as it moves, you could make it into some kind of "Porter" for your garden items. Wow, what a "Weed" that thing is! 🤠👍


Moringa is very good to put it in chicken soup.😋


I didn’t think kiwi grew in zone 9/10. Looking forward to your success.


The blue plant is porter weed it reseeds, definitely attracts bees and pollinators.


Peaches….UF Best, UF Sun, Floridaglo, tropic beauty, tropic snow and Florida prince are good producers for central Florida.

Figs….there are definitely varieties that do better in central Florida (even though you’re unsure of your variety) but for the most part the first crop or 2 of figs is not very good tasting. Once they establish themselves you’ll know what you have. Also, planting figs in Florida soil is not the greatest thing. They are really susceptible to too knot nematodes. I’ve had zero luck in Florida soil. Of course your soil may be and most likely is better than mine. I don’t like potting any trees/plants but figs are a must for me.

Great video. Love to see the garden again in the summer!
