Philips IntelliVue Patient Monitoring Basic Operation

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Get started with Philips IntelliVue patient monitoring. Our family of IntelliVue monitors share a common look and feel so clinicians can go from the highest to the lowest acuity level with a minimum of training. Six brief videos walk you through important aspects of IntelliVue patient monitors. This is video #1 - Introduction to Basic Operation.
For more details, please reach out us at:
Sarawak Branch
Phone: 60 (082) 578011
Sabah Branch
Phone: 60 (088) 720253
Video source: Philips Healthcare
For more details, please reach out us at:
Sarawak Branch
Phone: 60 (082) 578011
Sabah Branch
Phone: 60 (088) 720253
Video source: Philips Healthcare
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