New World Aeternum: Ultimate Mutated Expedition Guide

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Ready to take on Mutation Level 3 Expeditions in New World: Aeternum? This in-depth guide has you covered!

We'll break down everything you need to know to tackle these challenging dungeons, from optimal gear and weapon setups to essential strategies for each encounter. Whether you're struggling with specific enemies or just looking to fine-tune your approach, this video will help you master M3 expeditions and secure those rewards.

Perfect for both experienced players and those new to mutations, this guide is your key to success in Aeternum's toughest PvE challenges. Welcome to the ultimate mutated expedition guide.

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Excellent primer - also trophies are a key to success!


Last I checked, M2 and M3 bosses have "debuff resilience" so things like enfeebling skewer are 50% effective in M2 and only 25% effective in M3 (so that 47% weaken is only a 12% weaken I think). The cap doesn't change, so you can run multiple of the same weapon and stack the debuff (I think). This was as of a while back - closer to Rise launch, so maybe the debuff resilience has been changed since then. The game's playerbase is kinda small so there's not a lot of updated info out there.


Great guide! At what point in the Main story quests/region is the kiln unlocked?


5:58 I was told not to upgrade level 61 gear. Is the stats lower than 65 or is it JUST the armor that is lower?


Ok - newbie here. Been playing a few weeks, have a 702 GS, but just one setup... and its taken a long time to acquire what I have already it feels like. Seems like so many people have all or many weapons maxed out, and then tons of gear sets for all sorts of different play styles.... is that standard?

Overall I think this is my question: Should I take some time out from trying to perfect my existing gear set to level up other stuff?
I have been coasting through the game so far with no difficulties until I did an M1 Lazarous exp yesterday and we couldn't kill final boss, and the random team I queued with blamed the DPS.

(I was running FS/IG, not knowing anything different or having any other weapons built up with gear - also my existing gear is decent but also has PVP perks and things like that...)


3:58 wait so ONE person not having GS makes EVERYONE suffer that dmg penalty? Not just the under GS player?


Hello, sets like, for example, inbound frost ( frost resistance) arent being used anymore?
Thanks for answering


How do you get the cool looking gear in the mutated rewards section like Eternal gear. Do I have to do m3 for them to drop because none of them drop for me in m1 and m2?


You need work a lot, get, buy gear, weps then.Before even attempt any M3’s.Thats for sure.If you gonna attempt match all..😏 (one 700 amulet for each element’🙄)


how do you even unlock mutated expeditions


Ok so goals for hitting 65 don’t give me the new advice.. do I need 3 diff sets of resistance gear for one roll like earth void and fire res gems and save the builds in the builds slots ? Tf am I aiming for here im so fuckn lost on what gear i need to what with for what reasons tf is happening lol.. and do the gems come out of the gear or are they wasted if I buy a set for each resistance ? How tf does this work..


So PvP for now is not a thing for me.. dungeons and all that jazz.. I need to know 3 pro tips with gearing up at 65 what to do and when.. and the best general way to make money.. cuz rn my invtory and stash is a colossal cluster fuck of colors and bullshit way to much bloat for my mind to sort out.. some one that’s a fuckn Asian sweat lord give me some fuckn pro tips to not suck and some solid general knowledge on wtf I am doing..
