Distinguished Lecture: Navigating the Future of US-China Relations

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On Friday, April 28, 2023, John Thornton, Director of the Global Leadership Program at Tsinghua University in Beijing and former President of Goldman Sachs, lead a conversation about Navigating the Future of US-China Relations in the Amir and Zaib Husain Auditorium on the campus of @UTAustin.

JR DeShazo, Dean, @TheLBJSchool of Public Affairs, UT Austin

David Vanden Bout, Dean, College of Natural Sciences, UT Austin
Don Fussell, Chair, Department of @UTexasCompSci, UT Austin
Amir Husain (B.S. ’98 UT Austin), Founder & CEO, @SparkCognition
Zaib Husain (B.B.A. ’99 UT Austin), Founder, Makerarm
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A truly great mind who understands China. A rare one. A sane voice in crazy USA.


All the questions that woman asked at ~54 min. were straight out of CIA propaganda playbook. John handled it politely without directly calling out the lies.


Just want to make sure that everyone understands, the Chinese woman who asked the question doesn’t not represent vast majority of Chinese around the world. She has some ax to grind for sure. But she is clearly misguided and blinded by common stereotypes and misperceptions. John Thornton is so insightful that it’s good for everyone to pay attention to what he says!


John is one of the good guys And there are good guys with his kind of professional and material success.


John Thornton is by far the best person in the west that can explain China from a Chinese perspective.


Thank you John for speaking the truth in this most difficult time. The US-China relationship must be improved for the benefits of all.


Salute to the professor, many thanks for your wisdom, I truly hope the western world especially the USA can hear your voice.


The Chinese American woman who asked the last question is typical of many in the US, she doesn't know anything about today's China. She only knows what her parents or grandparents generation told her, information which is now 50 or almost 100 years out of date. Thornton answered diplomatically but accurately. I've been to China a number of times; his comments are accurate - the average Chinese citizen knows much more about us than the average American knows about China, and their information about us is accurate. The cure that Thornton suggests is also right on; go visit China, talk to ordinary Chinese, see for yourself. Don't believe any country's propaganda; even a simple tourist visit for two weeks will be an eye opener.


Finally, a speaker who truly knows about China and the Chinese society


Absolutely eye opening lecture. I very much appreciate the honesty and the insider perspective. I hope we can get more rational voices like this to the fore.


Well said! 1.Chinese are good learners: i have first hand experience during the 90s, that the Chinese Central government sent out leadership group to Europe to listen, observe how Western European Government, Society works. i was a student in Western Europe and Organized the logistics for them. The visit grew from Central government down provincial governments, learning. 2. China thought systems are not restricted by the Marxism and leninism thought systems because China had a long history. So it can go beyond marxism and leninism. The last 300 years before the commencement of yixian Sun's constitutional state movement, China was occupied by non-Han nomads. Only because this group of nomads were willing to adopt some Chinese Culture including some thought systems, the Chinese thought systems got extended further 300 years. Despite Qing fell soon after the peak, much of the Chinese Traditional thought school preserved. When Qing dynasty fell, Chinese/China lost direction. Because, Chinese did not want to go back to feudalism/monarch; but with no experience of industrializing the country (capitalism), no experience of constitutional monarch, or constitutional state, while some of the people returned from overseas (including yixian Sun), China started experiments. Marxism and Leninism were an option available at the time. The country slided into one of the poorest country. The idea of Marxism and Leninism (ML) were to help the poor. It suited the situation. The CPC took ML path but to find a way to make a return of China had made ups and downs until today. Jiang kaichek (Taiwan) took Constitution/Democracy. Therefore, China has more thought schools than only Marxism and Leninism.


The speaker is honest, but not many people will believe him.


Thank you for presenting this voice. The western world needs to hear this perspective because unfortunately, there is not enough interest nor trust in Chinese media even when it clearly illustrates high values, impressive achievement and a wonderful thirst for world cooperation, prosperity and peace.


one point to be made. china didnt manage hong kong. it was the hong kong government that said they would handle it themselves which is why the chinese military police did not enter hong kong. if you remember they stayed beyond the boarder of hong kong. hong kong since being returned to china has continued to remain an autonomous region of china. also anyone who's been to xinjiang knows the genocide narrative is lies. how can there be a case to be made for genocide if the uyghur population is growing year over year and people are free to practice their religion and culture in xinjiang?


Simply one of the best global analysis on politics ever to be published for this generation and the future.


Hawkish interpretation leads to conflict. In Deng's will, he reminded his people to work hard, develop and improve the strength of our nation. We have to do it humbly and quietly. This originated as a virtuous Chinese ancient culture. But the western hawkish media said, Deng asked his people to strengthen the nation secretely.


Do not expect the US to slow down on its hostility. They and the UK will keep doubling down. As was mentioned in Liz Truss statement. They are obviously trying to thwart China's progress and rise no matter what.


The best presentation of the current US China situation I have heard yet. John has a fantastic understanding of China and especially for an oversea Chinese Canadian like myself. Enjoyed the presentation immensely.


so Glad there still a platform for some one like John to share his view...


An insightful observer of Chinese culture and China's political and economic systems, and their developments.
