Jordan Peterson Exposes The World Economic Forum | With Joe Rogan

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Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson discuss the future impacts of the WEF
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I live in Norway, and we have hydropower that creates energy that costs ~US$0.01 (one cent) per kWh. It would usually stay at around $0.005 (half a cent) during the summer and $0.04 (four cents) during winter. Then the EU decided that we needed to be forced to start connecting to their distorted and sick electricity market through direct transmission cables and joining their regulatory body. Our politicians, without asking the people, went ahead, no questions asked, and assured us we'd only see a tiny increase in prices.

So what happened? Prices went up to $0.3 per kWh with some hourly highs of $1 (one whole dollar) per kWh. Remember that we are an arctic country where it's cold large parts of the year and we don't use coal or natural gas to heat our homes. People who used to do fine, such as low wage earners, pensioners and people on benefits, were now suddenly struggling to survive and needed to seek charity to not starve or freeze. Small businesses needed to shut down permanently, some that had been existing for literally centuries. Everything got more expensive, but especially food, as it needs to be cooled down and that uses a lot of electricity. Elderly people who needs warmth not to get sick, started dying of cold and sickness of being cold for too long. It's not unusual for people to consume around 3 000 kWh of electricity in one winter month. People went from having monthly electricity bills of ~$60 to suddenly getting billed $1 000. That's around half of a monthly low wage or low pension wage after taxes (we don't have a minimum wage in Norway, but most people make at least $20 an hour).

My grandma in her 90s used to enjoy having her heat pump set to 26 C during winter, because her old home is drafty and she needs to stay warm. Now she has it set to 21 and she's shivering. My disdain for the EU, WEF and other politically correct globalist wasn't great before all this, but it's turned into a deep seeded hate by now, and the only people that still likes the EU, are health, rich, young and ambitious people who live in the cities and who don't own a car or an old home on the countryside.


"The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it." - H.L. Mencken


He nailed it at the end. Ultimately the driving force behind the WEF and all its associates is a love of power, and their belief that they are the ones that should have total power.


Jordan is 100% correct in his assessment of the WEF elitist types. They have been around a long time but are moving fast right now. Covid provided an opportunity for them to set their trap. I think too many of us have woke up to the fact there is a trap and see them for what they are now. People like Jordan bring this to light and are important to us all right now. Thanks for keeping the discussions rolling Joe keep up the good work.


Jordan Peterson if you ever read this, please know the people stand with you and are listening


I'm so glad people are finally learning about the WEF. Before the pandemic, I had no idea but then in Canada, we had the trucker protest and our prime minister refused to have a conversation, made accusations on people's characters that didn't agree with his narrative and freeze bank accounts. I saw the division they wanted to do on who takes a shot and who doesn't. I then realized a lot of things about what is really going on.


About 10 years ago, I used to actually think that the WEF had the best interests of ordinary citizens at heart. How wrong I was!


It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.

Thomas Sowell


Brutally true. When Alex Jones said it 15 years ago, everyone called him crazy.


To hear the letters W E F on Joe Rogan is something I’ve been waiting for for a long time. We need to defend leaders like Jordan and platforms like Rogan.


It's not like they're hiding. They're openly telling us their plans.


"The Danger of the Davos crowd." Well said and thanks for showing it Joe.


WEF is so dangerous. Thank you for talking about this. He is brilliant.


What a straight talking, inspirational, no BS being Jordan is! We want people like this heading up governments!


Well said Jordan. You certainly bring this crisis into more perspective, and thanks to Joe Rogan.


“All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible.” - Darwi Odrade


The WEF are terrifying, I hope the rest of the world realises before its too late. Respect to JP & SR for bringing them to light


“Cheap moral virtue” never heard anyone so elegantly describe what is going on today. He’s a genius and they’re going for him because of that.


I would love to be able to sit and talk to Jordan Peterson for and hour or two! How lucky Joe Rogan is to be in the company of such a brilliant man! He is just one of a kind!


The WEF's actions speak louder than their words. Like Jordan says, their stated end goals are clearly different than what they say they are.
