Harsh Truths About Federal Prison Camps

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As someone who has been to federal prison, I can tell you that there are some harsh truths that you need to be aware of if you find yourself facing time behind bars.

Here are potential realities you may face:

The highest value in prison can be boredom, not violence. Too many people assume that a federal prison camp is a dangerous place filled with violent people, but the truth is that boredom can be a much greater challenge. Prisoners spend most of their days in confined spaces with little to do. Recognizing opportunities to learn new skills or engage in positive activities can make a huge difference in your experience.

Prison can be a hopeless environment, sucked into a vortex of negativity. It's easy to fall into despair when you're stuck in a place that seems designed to strip away your humanity. You must commit to doing your own thing and avoiding those that suck the life out of you. As described in Lessons From Prison, you must learn what you can and cannot control.

Most prisoners may have had it worse than you. Focusing on your own struggles and hardships in prison is tempting, but keeping perspective is important. Many of your fellow prisoners have experienced extreme trauma and hardship and are still finding ways to cope and move forward. Rather than complaining or feeling sorry for yourself, try to be a positive force for change and support in your community.

The most important thing to remember is that your time in prison will eventually end. The question is, will you be ready for life after prison?

Justin Paperny

Phone : - +1 818-424-2220
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You're on the spot. I served my time in Allenwood pennsylvania in nineteen eighty eigate and you are right pretty much on everything but I tell you what it was the best thing that ever happened to me


Never been in prison. I'm 67 and don't expect to go, but your story is of value to all. The lack of freedom., sleeping with people you don't know, poor diet, etc. is nothing I would want to experience. But if I had to experience what you did, I would listen to everything you have to say. Anyone can change their life for the future.. You are proof. I respect you so much for accepting responsibility and creating a new life.


Thank you for this. I've been sentenced to 18 months, and I really appreciate your blunt and honest advice.


Justin, by sheer accident, I watched one of your videos. I was intrigued and fascinated by your “positive” experience in prison and how the outcome made you who you are today. I have never been in prison and I likely never will be, but your advice and wisdom can be applied to all aspects in life. Thank you for reminding me how fortunate I am to have what I have. You are an inspiration to everyone who feels like life dealt them a bad hand. Keep up the good work.


You really nailed it. That fear of seeing family and friends and the questions that follow. Gave me chills.


You are explaining my son been in prison most of his life it breaks my heart


Thank you for this conversation today. I've never been to prison but your words are applicable to all those who live with regrets.
Title for this video should be: How going to prison set me free.


Justin, I have 100% respect for you. Thank you for your informative channel.


I’m not going to prison - but I am in a rough spot in my life - this advice about not looking back and doing things today to improve the future is good for me to hear - I am grateful - thank you


I’ve never been in a prison of brick and mortar, but a prison in my mind, yes! Interesting how your description of sitting in prison doing nothing describes how I feel. I’ve had 3years of extensive therapy. I know how I got here. Fear that I won’t be free once the chains are removed.


Thank you so much for sharing this! I’m preparing myself I’ll be leaving in a few days.


Thanks for sharing your lessons. It helps to keep me hopeful during my tough time! Thx👍🏼


My brother was in the marines and retired after 33 years. His job in the marines was recon. Its basically the equivalent to the seals in the navy as far as hand to hand combat training and experience. Upon getting out of the marines he started drinking because he was having trouble adjusting back to being a civilian. He got drunk one night and had an accident which injured someone. He received a 3 year state prison sentence. This was in ohio. He had some trouble in county when some guys threatened him. He dealt with them as he was trained to do destroying them. After that he was transferred to state prison and after a month at reception in Columbus he was sent to a prison with a dorm only for ex military guys. He never had any more problems and did his time. What he was surprised the most is that the anxiety of getting released was very similar to leaving the military. Neither one fully prepares you for normal civilian life. Thankfully he has stopped drinking and has continued working with the VA to help him cope with PTSD etc. The system is truly set up for people to fail and return. It takes some serious inner strength to be successful upon release.


I really enjoy your videos. I very much admire you for turning your life around!


I appreciate your videos. I was sentenced to a six month sentence at a federal prison camp in Pa and although I thought I was mentally ready when I self-surrendered, I was not at all. Most, if not all, of the things you mention were spot on, but even though I heard you speak of certain things I was mentally a mess. It took me approx. 6 weeks to realize I was finally in prison and I still work to this day to get by what had happened to me. The institution I was at was awful when it came to programs offered for inmates. They were actually non-existent! Boredom is absolutely the hardest thing to overcome while you are there and getting some sort of daily routine is essential to get you through the days. I referred to Shawshank Redemption movie when they are in the yard and everyone states in there that they are innocent. Well, that is 100% true. I did play bocce ball, softball, pickleball, handball and walked the track just to pass time. One thing I would suggest if someone is in the position to choose when they report to prison. Go Immediately if your home life allows to get it over with. 2. If you can go in the summer, go. The days stay light out till 9 pm so you can remain outside until it's dark. If you are there in the winter and it's dark at 5 pm, then you get recalled and you can't be out in the yard. I couldn't imagine being there in the winter and being cooped up in the buidling from 5 pm until 6 am the next day.


Spent 20 months between camps at USP Thomson and Pekin from a 42 month sentence (thank you RDAP). There were fights at both facilities, mostly from people not following the basic rules, so learn the 10 rules, abide by them and you should be okay. You are correct, that boredom is probably the most difficult challenge to overcome, but I would advise people to engage in activities like running, softball, soccer, or whatever your facility offers. Those do help to create a routine that can be both mentally and physically rewarding. It's so important for people (men and women) to emerge from prison with a reasonable physical routine that can be maintained on the outside. I was a runner in years past and got back into it during my incarceration and am now competing in several road and trail races each year. It provides goals, purpose and being physically fit helps with mental fitness as well, at least I think so.


I have had relatives and friends I visited in prison. And as much I don’t think I’ve done things that deserve prison time, sometimes there is a fine line between those on the inside and those on the out. Some wind up inside because they can’t afford a good lawyer.


I'm 67 and retired, doing almost nothing all day is a piece of cake..I wouldt have any motivation to leave a camp.free room and board, no car insurance etc..


I also think you hit the nail on the head. Free your mind and the rest will follow. I imagine a lot of these ppl never break out of the kind of mentality that put them in prison in the first place and that’s sad A lot of ppl live psychologically behind bars and either can’t or won’t put in the work necessary for the changes they need to create a better life for themselves and their families. The physical bars of prison; the physical barrier seems to pale when compared to the mental barrier


I've employed some ex-criminals over the years. Some of the best workers I've had. Its tough for them once released. Society really makes it almost impossible for guys that have a prison record. Then we wonder why reoffending is so high. All of those I employed had faced the wrath of those that think that if you do time, you're done, no second chances, no opportunities for you.
They talked in their interview and became visibly distressed at the hopelessness and lonliness once out. Many reoffend because of this.
I found by treating these guys with the same level of respect, same opportunities for courses, same rewards for extra effort, displays of competence and being a great team member, they thrived.
Its a risk employing former prisoners but If you stumble upon one that's truely done with their former life and genuinely working hard to be a better version of themselves, you won't regret it. Here's a list of skills a former prisoner wrote down for me when I asked him what he'd learnt in prison and when committing crime (for him it was non-violent drug offending)
-conflict avoidness/management
-Time management (this guy was never, ever late)
-Following instructions
-Completing 'unfun' tasks
-Fitting in quickly to a group
-Legal studies and understanding court proceedings (this turned out to be his real strength and I helped him become a law student eventually)
-Legal Research
-Supply chain logistics
-Surveillance skills
-Security systems, CCTV installation, IP camera systems.
-Creditor/debitor management
-Debt collection
-Horticultural skills

The list went on but he wasn't arrogant about it.
I had to admire looking at the totality of his illicit skills and how he could choose to refocus these to legal, constructive activities that were in his best interest instead of causing harm to himself and the community.

I've only just found your channel and while I have never been to prison, you're ethos is of value in a wider context. Great work.
