MSFS: Flying the Halo Pelican (D77-TC) - Autopilot and getting to Space - Microsoft Flight Simulator

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Learn how to fly the D77-TC Pelican from Halo. We'll cover using hover mode, cruise mode, auto-pilot, getting to the edge of space, and even how to tune into VORs. The Pelican is available for free in the MSFS Marketplace for both PC and Xbox.
=== Chapters ===
00:00 Introduction
00:19 Downloading the Pelican from the Marketplace
00:53 Disabling aircraft stress damage
01:33 Starting the Pelican with assisted checklists
02:18 Taking off, climbing, and descending
04:10 Flying in hover mode
05:48 Radar map modes
07:21 Flying in cruise mode
09:09 Autopilot introduction
10:21 Autopilot Heading mode
10:45 Selected Alttiude and Vertical Speed mode
11:32 Auto-throttle and overspeed warnings
12:15 Setting the altimeter
12:44 Halo theme song and cargo door
14:43 Maximum altitudes
15:09 Getting to the edge of space with slew mode
17:03 Using NAV radios and VOR
17:48 Conclusion
=== Discord Server ===
=== Disclaimer ===
I am not a flight instructor and this video is not to be used as a resource for real-world flight training. It's only intended as a tutorial for casual use in flight simulators such as Microsoft Flight Simulator.
#msfs #microsoftflightsimulator #flightsimulator
=== Chapters ===
00:00 Introduction
00:19 Downloading the Pelican from the Marketplace
00:53 Disabling aircraft stress damage
01:33 Starting the Pelican with assisted checklists
02:18 Taking off, climbing, and descending
04:10 Flying in hover mode
05:48 Radar map modes
07:21 Flying in cruise mode
09:09 Autopilot introduction
10:21 Autopilot Heading mode
10:45 Selected Alttiude and Vertical Speed mode
11:32 Auto-throttle and overspeed warnings
12:15 Setting the altimeter
12:44 Halo theme song and cargo door
14:43 Maximum altitudes
15:09 Getting to the edge of space with slew mode
17:03 Using NAV radios and VOR
17:48 Conclusion
=== Discord Server ===
=== Disclaimer ===
I am not a flight instructor and this video is not to be used as a resource for real-world flight training. It's only intended as a tutorial for casual use in flight simulators such as Microsoft Flight Simulator.
#msfs #microsoftflightsimulator #flightsimulator