Geopolitics AD 2024: Why Is The World In Chaos?

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Production: Hubert Walas
Research & analysis: Hubert Walas
Video production: Łukasz Szypulski
Voiceover: Hubert Walas
Music: Moments - Stopped Time

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One of the classiest channels on YT. Informative but not stuffy. I rarely do this but this channel deserves more love.


As much as it makes sense for the US to lean into the current situation, I understand American frustration with many European states. Things like the EU promising 1 million artillery shells in 2023 but only delivering ~300 thousand shows that many European leaders are not taking the threat seriously.


Corrupt American politicians are a very big problem here in USA 🇺🇸, both parties are terrible.


Great way to explain the world at this moment in time. The use of mapping and picture/flags to explain the different tension/war in the different areas of the world is great. It was easier for me to visualize and have a better understanding of todays reality.
Great job, first video, I am impressed.


I never bought "the world was mostly at peace after WW2" narrative. Most of Africa and south Asia were engaged in countless conflicts. They only reason they did not matter was due to the fact it did not involve directly Western or Soviet countries. It only looks chaotic because now these conflicts are involving the West so now they can not ignore them.


Back in 2008 I saw a documentary or docu-drama called “The World Without Us” depicting the effects of the US becoming isolationist. Back then it was a piece of fiction, a thought puzzle for people interested in foreign affairs and the consequences of policy. We are now living the reality.


This is one of the most informative, neutral and realistic analyses of the current world state i have seen since ever. Thanks. Really enjoyed it. Journalism top form


The issue here for the West is twofold:
1) Fractuous internal politics have really crippled any long term geopolitical planning capacity. Especially within the US but also within the EU

2) Europe's military impotence makes it hard for Europeans to defend themselves should war happen and make America less keen on keeping the alliance system together. I think informed Americans know in their bones that Europe won't and/or can't help us if things go down in East Asia with China. We'll be forced to solely rely on the UK, Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines. With perhaps aid from Australia, New Zealand and maybe India as well. So it makes it hard to care about helping Europe when they won't or can't reciprocate the help because of decades of letting their militaries corrode. The only European country we can rely on is the UK


as a fin, i would bet that finland would not hesitate to defend estonia. not helping out would be too short sighted for us, since it is obvious that in this scenario russia would defeat all its' neighbors one by one


War is became normal this days
Looking at the comment section I can see how people is fed with bunch of information, thoughts about war
Everyone is talking about future war, like it’s a videogames
First it becomes an idea, then with enough amount of focus it becomes reality
Sadly it’s a whirlpool, where is no escape now
Noting to stop it(but there is solution)
Therefore focusing on wars will bring wars


To me ( a young gen z person from a country brutaly occupied during WWII) war lives on through family trauma, mostly conn eyed to food and money, and even I am affected by it


I think there are two main factors:
1. Afghanistan and Iraq wars. The US could interfere wth many conflicts and probably would had these two conflicts not been so messy and painful.
2. Proliferation of military capabilities and technologies. It's just easier nowadays for any random milita group or non-state actor or whoever to get their hands on weapons. Iran will fund it. Russia could fund it. Drug money could fund it. It's just easier than it used to be, more people are in positions to conduct military operations than before.


Interstate peace might be a new constant in post-war Europe, but I wouldn't universalize that. In Africa and Asia there were many wars during all this period. And in the americas we haven't had real wars since well before the 1940s. So that is a rather European vision


imho, it is a methodological mistake to claim, as you do at 0:45, that a dozen years ago we lived "in relatively peaceful times"...the aftermath of 9/11 was felt, in Iraq and Afghanistan; Russia was threatening NATO about expansion towards the East, back in 2009 already


Nice video essay. Would have been nice if you had added the perspective of Japan and Australia as well. They factor in for the upcoming issues in East Asia.


Having studied Nuclear Battlefield within the US defense establishment, I would say the tacit understanding is nuclear weapons will not be used unless close allies or the homeland is invaded. Putin's continued statements about a nuclear Russia are interpreted as do not strike within Russia or the nuclear weapons will be deployed. The American restrictions on the Ukrainians are specifically done to prevent Russian nuclear escalation.


lol, the "massacre in Chechnya", and the wars waged by the United States were "liberation", right?


I’m a proud Patreon supporter of this channel. Once again, this last video of 2023 proves it deserves it. Peace to all of you in 2024.


As a European from a non NATO country I think part of the problem is that since 1991, European governments have disarmed (especially UK, France and Germany) and been very slow to realise the growth of non interventionism and in some cases even isolationism in the United States. The prospect of the U.S. actually leaving NATO is shocking for many. Looking at the Congress, vast majority did vote for a law requiring Congress to be consulted if a President decided to leave NATO. But we know from a precedent where Carter left a defence treaty with Taiwan in the 1970s that Trump - if he chooses - may be able to do this alone.

I think a second factor is the declining importance of the EU market, and the rise of China, India etc. This makes corporations more interested in Asia and less interested in Europe than in the past, though the US still exports 20% to the EU, not including Britain and Norway (a major oil producer). Soft-power (non military power) is about economics and trade routes. The Suez Canal is important on this too, and probably is a factor in US interest in the Middle East, as is supporting Israel because of the American Jewish and Evangelical vote.

Im not sure I would consider Afghanistan a "pointless war", given Osama Bin Laden was there when 911 happened. Iraq in 2003 was a pointless war.
