What causes Speech and Language Disorders?

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Info comes from American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA)

🙋‍♀️ Hi! I’m Kayla (Chalko) Gonzales, a licensed speech-language pathologist in California specializing in early intervention for toddlers with speech delays.

👉🏻 Want to advance your child’s language skills?

Disclaimer: I’m a licensed speech-language pathologist in California. These videos are meant for general education. Every child is different; this should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult with a professional in your area.

0:00 Introduction
0:01 What causes Speech-Language Disorders?
0:06 ASHA: American Speech-Languaging Association
0:10 Causes of Speech & Language Delay
0:25 Family History of Speech & Language Delays
0:54 Premature Birth
1:12 Low Birth Weight
1:27 Hearing loss
3:24 Frequent ear infections are a concern for hearing
3:47 Consider a hearing screening
4:50 Intellectual Disability
5:13 Syndromes
5:24 Fetal Alchohol Syndrome
5:44 Stroke
6:02 Cerebral Palsy
6:29 Prenatal and Postnatal nutrition effects development
7:28 Test Water & Keep Dust minimal
7:45 Food dyes linked to hyperactivity
8:28 Failure to Thrive
8:55 Sometimes causes are unknown
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The good new for everybody is that with the recent research on brain plasticity any child can easily recover from speech delay and become like a child with very fluent communication. My son had brain injury but as I often talk to him with Signs and read books, now at 2years old he is recovering little by little and Im sure will become very smart with good communication thank God !


Hi Kayla.

I suddenly developed a Speech Impediment when i was 10 years old through Mental Trauma.
A death in my close family brought this about almost instantly.
It started as a Stutter which i lived with right through my very difficult Teenage years.
It evolved to become a Stammer in my late Teens and Twenties.
Through my thirties and into my Forties it has changed once again to become a Speech Impediment where i struggle to say words with certain Letters or Vowels to the point where i can't get the words out or begin to form the words.

People's patience and understanding goes a long way in helping people who suffer from these debilitating disorders.

Thanks for making this video, it raises awareness of Speech Impediments whatever form that may be.


I found out my son who was silent and no interaction was anaemic 7 weeks ago. I now have a toddler who is making eye contact, babbling, screaming, noise non stop since heavy iron supplements. I am in shock. His autism diagnosis was just put back today for 6 months instead of 3 months away. Our speech path sees him weekly and can’t quite believe how quickly things are changing. I never realised a deficiency could do this much damage to my baby. I am hoping and praying we can reverse the last year of it.


My son used to get a lot of virus infections as a baby, he was hospitalised a couple of times. He started talking at around 2y 5mo. I didn't worry much about him because he could understand instructions and communication from us.


Thanks but you forgot to talk about impact of Smartphones, Tv and screens in general that have a big impact in speech delay. Lack of communication with the baby too. For example when you have babies who went to nursery since 3months and the parents work a lot dont have time to communicate with the child it may causes speech delay too.
But really Now there is a lot of researches showing bad impact of screens on children


My oldest child is autistic and has adhd. His speech was never delayed, but he struggles with articulation so severely that up until a couple years ago nobody could understand him. He is still difficult to understand today. Interestingly enough though, my two younger children also have articulation issues, yet are neurotypical. I truly believe they have become so accustomed to hearing their brother talk the way he does, that they see it as the norm. Although they hear plenty of typical speech from me and others, their big bro literally never stops talking and enjoys drowning others out with his speech 🤣 I'm hoping that their impediment will be easier to treat than his has been.


Or lip and tongue tie!? Very important, my son wasn't diagnosed till he was almost 2 with a dentist and not by his doc that had been seeing him since birth!


Hi Kayla. Could you please provide the link to the video you mentioned your were going to make on poor nutrition and speech delay?


can change in culture and language have something to do with it. Cause I was originally born in the states went to Korea at 3 months old and didn't comeback until I was 3 years old and didn't speak english then.


That's why i got speech difficulty 😢 because of this ☹️ hope it will be fix 😊


My niece is almost 17 months old but she only says mama. She used to say dada, Bubba, yeah, dog, no, and want but she lost time over a week. She has frequent ear infections but can follow directions and responds to people talking to her. Her aunt and father's cousin are both autistic so she had a family history of that.


Pls uplord the vedio about eye contact ..


thank much for sharing to.us.we know how, to deal my granddaughter slow in.speach maybe born. before the mums, due date of dilivery .watching ti this vedeo.we learm.much


Glad, I found your videos! I want to try those activities in your other videos for my 2.4 year old daughter who is just making sounds, pointing things and I I even cannot identify if she can comprehend what I am asking her to bring me as well as she cannot do two way conversations. 😔


I have cerebral palsy I was premature and low birth weight. I knew that my flow of speaking was different especially when I was younger but I didn't identify it as a speech impediment until the doctors that I have now noticed it


Thank you for this video!!!...I was told that genetics don’t run a factor...But I was a bit reluctant to believe that because I was in speech my son is 4 yo and non verbal and now my 2 yo has a delay...and I was told it’s the environment I raise them in...like what environment???...she was extremely rude!!


Now I understand. Thank you so much. My landlady babysits two kids boot have speech. The boy 4 & the girl 1 & half. At 4, the boy calls everyone mum, but I also notice too much crying & sudden outburst of aggressive ranting from the boy you know, randomly smashing things around in the house & lengthy crying which can go on for 3 hours. The girl sweet & friendlier but the boy is aggressive especially to his father. He would scratch & kick his dad often when he comes around.

I suspect these kids are beaten - common thing in black parenting unfortunately because (I'll beat you) is the only line both of them can almost spell perfectly & any chance, they both love repeating over & over & over. The young parents though, clearly are avoiding their parenting responsibilities because the kids leave with my landlady & sometimes for two weeks they don't come to visit their kids :(

I suspect autism because especially the boy show repetitive behaviour - he would face the wall & repeats gibberish to an imaginary friend & this scares me. You literally have to drag him out of it or he wouldn't stop it's like he would get a fit moment talking to the wall but aggressive gibberish.


Do you know if dyslexia impacts Speech and language?


I have speech, I’m 11, and I’m in middle school, but I ask my mom why do u have speech and she said it runs in our family.


What is premature birth? How many weeks?
