Shivers and Other Muscular Diseases

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Speaker: Dr. Stephanie Valberg | University of Minnesota

Summary: Shivers is a confounding disorder in horses which causes them to pause with their rear limb flexed out behind the body after which the leg is forcefully placed back to the ground. Backing up and picking up the rearlimbs are the most common triggers for Shivers and most horses walk forward with a normal gait. The cause and treatment for this condition is unknown. In this seminar we will review the variety of symptoms that occur with Shivers, the progression of symptoms and possible causes. Muscle diseases such as polysaccharide storage myopathy which have been associated with Shivers will also be discussed.
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It's interesting that the horse at 10:00 paces when he backs up. He backs up using the legs on the same side instead of using a diagonal pair.


This has been the most informative report on shivers i have ever seen, Thank-you! i have had experience of warmbloods effected only in the forelimbs, and classically in the rear limbs.


Very interesting video, thanks. I've suspected my horse has shivers for several years but I have yet to find a vet that has even heard of the disease, let alone a diagnosis ;)


My horse's hind end trembles, as well as her tail whenever we begin to work her. However, she has never picked up her feet and held them still or off to the side. Her hind legs simply tremble, and her tail is always held up and off to the side, sometimes shaking. Any ideas if this is also shivers?
