The damaging myth of 'the perfect partner': Why you don't need a soulmate to feel whole

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This video is about the damaging myth of finding "the one", a "soul mate" or your "twin flame".

There's nothing wrong with believing in these ideas. But there is something wrong when you feel less than whole before you can find your perfect partner.

When you feel a partner completes you, many toxic patterns can creep into your relationship.

Watch my video to learn more.


#justinbrown #relationshipadvice #perfectpartner
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So true, I do agree with your statements and I´d like to watch a few more videos about this topic.


Just because you are happy on your own does not mean you will stay happy or get even happier in a relationship. I was happy alone! I was not looking for a relationship. But I let other people show me their love, I was open to relationships. And I got into a relationship, after which my happiness slowly disappeared. So, I broke up and became happy again.
The idea, that being happy without a relationship will automatically keep you happy(or happier) in a relationship, is just as wrong. The only thing is that I know works is when you are happy without a relationship, then you'll get out of a bad relationship a lot faster than in a case if you were unhappy without a relationship.


Thank you so much! This video was a big help, great timing!
It was a great crying and realizing, I was not present... that condition... Just to be happy.
So true, warm and flowery scented :D
Visualisation is not the best, because of our patterns, "backpack", the unknown inner world. With courage it is an amazing path to explore every fear( emotions are fears basically) and common reactions, because we create our reality, but just unconscious, so Visualisation can be uneffektiv or dangerous maybe... I think. I made mistakes with it, it was hurt... Or was silly a little bit :D So good to crying( a good one) to feel again, a loving and caring condition, so open and connected but grounded too... "the One" concept is tricky :D Thank you so much, so great timing, save my day (L)


While things like sexual fluidity is pushed to excuse people just giving in & jumping into relationships with anyone just to feel loved and appreciated (after having a string of unfortunate relationships). This is faar more relatable to me as a guy.


Hi Justin,
My personal idea is except for finding the perfect partner, it is worth to learn to live with reality. Understanding that no one is perfect.
Second thing is we can not stop the process of being conditioned. All what we use and do today is a result of evolution. ( education, vaccination, sports). You have been cought up with conditions like law of attraction. My be If we take something as a whole there may be problems. Because nothing is perfect. Sometimes I feel life is like a food. We have to prepare according to our taste. ( Like we try to be our own version). Again that taste may be not perfect but we enjoy it. (contentment). Our uncertain life has an end. We can not stop accidents and mistakes. So it is utmost important to understand the reality and learn to live with it.
Thank you.
Take care.


There is a perfect person for you.. whether they're here in this lifetime or not is a moot question


There's no such as the one. Only the person that evolves over time


I liked the video. Just curious though why it is said that the message of this video goes against Law of Attraction. It is my understanding that in Law of Attraction if you focus on what you don't have (i.e. the perfect partner) you'll continue to live a life without that perfect partner (because that's what you're attracting in your life). If you stop worrying about a partner and just live in the moment and live a life with gratitude, you'll attract everything you want.


There is no such thing as the one, I’ve known this since I was 17. if you put a dot on the wall and put a circle around that dot there are many Potential Partners that will fit into The circle. no such thing as the One, never has been never will be


I feeling lonely when I see your vlog. Oooch it's me also
