Best hike in Acadia? Beehive / Gorham Mountain trail

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Acadia National Park in Maine USA has loads of great hikes and scenic views, but which is the best overall if you only have one day and don't want anything too scary? In this video I'll show you a route that combines the famous Beehive and Gotham Mountain trails with some scenic detours to feature the best of the park in just three hours. There's some optional climbing / scrambling at the start, but otherwise it should be possible for any weekend walker.

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Acadia National Park in Maine USA has loads of great hikes and scenic views, but which is the best overall if you only have one day and don't want anything too scary? In this video I'll show you a route that combines the famous Beehive and Gotham Mountain trails with some scenic detours to feature the best of the park in just three hours. There's some optional climbing / scrambling at the start, but otherwise it should be possible for any weekend walker.


A part of the world I never knew I wanted to visit. Thanks.


Looks like a great use of a day out in nature.

I don't get to go on hikes much anymore, but the freakiest hike I've done was when I lived in Colorado and decided to solo hike Devil's Thumb.

Found a trail via google maps. Couldn't find a NPS or Backcountry description of the trail and relied on maps data. The app didn't account for elevation change, and I made the mistake of not factoring it in. What I thought was a 3 mile hike in and 3 mile hike out, turned into a roughly 14.5 mile round trip. Hike started around 6, 000 ft elevation, up to around 12, 500, then down into a bowl where a lake was to around 11, 000 ft. The way out, back up to 12, 500, then back down to 6, 000. Was not prepared. Took about 13 hours, including a brief break at the lake.

One portion included walking along the side of a mountain on a "trail" that was the width of my foot. Had to perfectly step one foot in front of the other. One side, was moss/dirt covered mountain, the other an immediate fall off to the valley below. At one point I slipped, fell straight forward to my knee but kept the other leg raised as there was no room to plant it anywhere.

All in all a memorable experience and would do it again with better preparation. (maybe)


I did this exact route yesterday and absolutely loved it—I thought Beehive was fun!

Favorite day in Acadia so far


I will not stand for the poutine blasphemy!
