String Theory's Leading Contender Disproven?

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Is loop quantum gravity wrong?
The leading contender to string theory, loop quantum gravity (LQG), may have just suffered a critical blow. This is very unfortunate because string theory has a near-monopoly in the field of theoretical high-energy physics, and as with anything else, a monopoly is never good. The evidence against the linear order model of LQG comes from a recent paper from the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) experiment.
The authors claim: "We use this unique observation to place stringent
constraints on an energy dependence of the speed of light in vacuum, a manifestation of Lorentz invariance violation (LIV) predicted by some quantum gravity (QG) theories. Our results show that the 95% confidence level lower limits on the QG energy scales are EQG,1 -10 times of the Planck energy EPl for the linear and the quadratic LIV effects, respectively. Our limits on the quadratic LIV case improve previous best bounds by factors of 5–7."
Lorentz invariance, the fundamental symmetry of Einstein’s relativity, has withstood strict tests over the past century . However, deviations from Lorentz invariance at energies approaching the Planck scale are predicted in many quantum gravity (QG) theories seeking to unify quantum theory and general relativity. Although any signals of Lorentz invariance violation (LIV) are expected to be very tiny at attainable energies EPl, they can increase with energy and accumulate to detectable levels over large propagation distances.
In this deep dive, I unpack the significance of LQG, its implications for unifying quantum mechanics with general relativity, and the potential blow it recently suffered this is one such model considered. I also reflect on the broader implications for theoretical physicists like Carlo Rovelli, Eric Weinstein, Stephen Wolfram and others if string theory remains unchallenged. Lastly, obviously this is one such model considered, and other versions of LQG could still survive to fight another day.
Key Takeaways:
00:00 Intro
02:11 What is loop quantum gravity (LQG)?
06:26 New evidence from the Lasso team challenges LQG predictions
09:15 String theory vs. loop quantum gravity
10:54 Outro
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