How To Fix EA Launcher Not Launching Games (EA App Not Loading)

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EA APP NOT LAUNCHING FIX (2024) | How to Fix Ea Launcher Not Launching Games

Here's how to fix ea app not launching. This ea launcher not launching games problem is searched as ea app not working. And in this video I showed you how you can fix ea app not working problem.

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Why do I even need a stupid game launcher. I just want to play sim city 2000 with my 6 year old son. I
never had a problem playing this game 30 years ago as a kid on an old pc with windows 95. This dumb app doesn't work


This is incredibly stupid, I can't believe they're making us do this for product that we PAID for, crazy, why don't publishers just use Steam rather than going through the hassle to make their own fucking game launcher, so stupid

Anyways, thanks man! This helped! :)


Thats alot of work to fix a launcher app that should work the same as steam. Steam never crashes for me. Why isnt EA addressing this?


It might sound stupid when to sync your time but I did every single step and it worked for me! How much I hate EA for having us to do all of this


good vid bro but i think clearing cache from ur pc and ur web browser help, i did all steps i got from ea chat didn't work for me, but clearing cache helped me


wtf am i doing wrong? i tried this and it didnt work. i heard that its supposed to help
