Best Pandemic Projects of 2020 [Maker Update] -

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This week on Maker Update, a round-up of the best pandemic themed projects of 2020, and some of the maker trends that defined the year.

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++Show Notes [Maker Update #213]++

-=Favorite Pandemic Projects of 2020=-

Mask Launcher by Allen Pan

Scrubber Plays Spotify Jams While You Wash Your Hands by Deep Local

Manic Toilet Paper Shopping Simulator by Jelle Vermandere

I made a robot to cut my hair with scissors by Shane Wighton

Gigantic pumpkin dispenses candy at the push of a button by Brankly

Astable Exhalation by Bornach

Wobble Sphere by Robin Baumgarten

Plywood Indoor Swing by Laura Kampf

Simone Giertz built herself a proud parent

The Highcycle - Social Distance Bike by colinfurze

-=Top Trends of 2020=-

-Book Nooks
-Open Source Medical Supplies

-=Tips & Tools=-

Best of 2020 - Adafruit Edition

2020 Holiday ornament. by Gabriel Nagmay


Maker Update is a weekly video series covering news, projects, tips, and events that interest the maker and DIY community.

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TAGS: Best, Best Of, Pandemic, Quarantine, Mask, Launcher, Soap Dispenser, Spotify, Haircut, Pumpkin, Candy, Circuit Sculpture, Sculpture, Art, Swing, Indoor, Plywood, Modified, Bicycle, Bike, Cyberdeck, Book Nook, Open Source, Medical Supplies, Ornament, DIY, Maker, Electronics, Project, Soldering, Robotics, Microcontroller, Code, Arduino, Making, Raspberry Pi, Inventing, Maker Faire, Hardware, Instructables, Hackaday, Adafruit, 3D Printing, Events, computer, design, fabrication, Kinetic, circuits, Learning, STEM, STEAM, program, Laser Cut, Engineering, Programming, Engineer, Interaction, Interface, Tools
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Great, great, great year for the Maker Update channel. The community sure showed their hearts and abilities during this challenging year with some outstanding engineering designs. Have a happy holiday season and see ya in 2021. As I mentioned to Becky hopefully it will be better than this year for everyone. Take care Donald and I can’t wait to see what new designs will be coming from the channel next year 😃


Happy new year, Donald! Great roundup.


thank you Donald you really made this year less terrible


Thanks Donald for the inspiration. Looking forward to a brighter 2021, stay safe!


I really enjoyed Mohit Bhoite's circuit sculptures this year.
Thanks for the show Donald and thank you for putting out all the videos this year.

I am currently trying to get together materials to make a book nook, a circuit sculpture and a speaker system. Finished withe school. Finally getting into making stuff again.


8:11 What was your favourite trend of 2021? I know this pandemic has been going on forever, but has it really been that long?


Love these Donald! We'll need to visit some of these people (when we can!). Have a great holiday! Cheers- Guy


Totally agree on the cyberdecks! Building my own as we speak! Happy holidays Donald! See you in 2020!


I love electronic projects, but I wish to design my own project. Greetings to you


My favorite trend—ever better MPL videos from Donald Bell & co.


If that's your selection of "best maker projects" from a very productive year, then maybe you have to reconsider your criteria.
