LIVE!! I Borrow Shiny Piplup from a Briefcase in Brilliant Diamond after 1967 SRs

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Music is a liiitttle bit loud, sorry about that. Somehow I get worse and worse at making videos but Shiny Hunting is still fun LOL.
The absolute most adorable baby is here after 1967 Soft Resets. He will be my loyal penguin partner for the rest of this playthrough. Planning to do a few more hunts in this game. I wanted to go with a little theme this time so all will be named after Pixar references; Wheezy the Piplup being the first.
Thanks for watching!
The absolute most adorable baby is here after 1967 Soft Resets. He will be my loyal penguin partner for the rest of this playthrough. Planning to do a few more hunts in this game. I wanted to go with a little theme this time so all will be named after Pixar references; Wheezy the Piplup being the first.
Thanks for watching!
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