How to install DE Dreadlock Extensions! (the EASY way!)

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This is the EASIEST way to install your double ended dreadlock extensions! I explain step by step so you can install the dreads on your own!


*Starting with slightly dirty hair will help prevent the dreads from slipping
*Never install your dreads on wet hair (it can cause damage)
*Have plenty of clips and elastics ready to go to make the process easier
*Plan your colors & sections in advance!

*Start at the bottom and work your way up
*Alternate the alignment of the dreads to avoid "bald" spots
*Larger sections in the back, smaller sections of the top (this is more for weight distribution of your dreads)

*It takes me 2 hours to install (PRACTICE!) but it used to take me 6 hours. Don't get discouraged if it is taking a long time to install. That's normal!
*My dreads are from Dreadfull Hippie (link above!) and I LOOOOOVE them!!!
*My whole head takes 32-45 dreads depending on how much coverage I want. Partials will take 15-25 dreads.
*You can leave your dreads in for up to 6 weeks at a time, however everyone is different! Dont let it go too long where your natural hair starts twisting and dreading on its own (unless thats what you're going for lol )
*Comment any other questions you have! I try to respond within a week or so, if I can!




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Thank you so much, I am a black woman that loves to see other ethnicities, especially white women with dread locs and braids, you ladies look great in them too❤❤


Here to just offer some unsolicited advice as a person who has gotten traditional braid extensions for most of my life. Please please please be careful with how tight you make your install and be mindful of the weight of the extensions you are using in relation to the thickness/section of hair. Doing most styles with extensions can thin the hair if the extension is heavy and pulls on the section of hair. I usually use Marley hair because it’s very light. However that texture of hair isn’t best suited for European people. Anytime a style feels too tight or too heavy - it is and you run the risk of ruining your hair especially if it’s already fine/low density.


You look cute!!! Dreads are so pretty when they are neat and smooth and I really do encourage more people to try them (I'm black, bu the way). I only say this because of another comment (also by a black woman) that wished to encourage all ethnicities to try hairstyles associated with black culture and people. I see too often online where there are non-black people (mainly white girls) that are interested in these hairstyles (many of which are made popular by black folk, but not necessarily originated with us), but are worried about potentially offending others. Anyone that will be offended is not worth your time! A personal favorite hairstyle of mine is Bantu knots (I wear them all the time), and I think they would look unbelievably gorgeous on anyone, and they are stylish and neat and punk, so, I want to see more people try this style out, too.


your tutorial literally made my first install Thank they didn't even move and they were not too tight. Perfect!!!


I love how you showed it. And then explained it as a voice over.
That helps for people who learn differently

Gorgeous. !!


Oh my gosh! Omg! I'm getting ready to put in my dreads in a few hours from now! I'm sooo excited! Thank you for all of your videos! I couldn't even begin to do it without you! ❤


Thank you so much for this nice tutorial. You are the first person I find who has thin hair like I have and has manage to make her locks hold and look good. I love the way you explaine. Your tone of voice is sothing and reachuring. It's exactly what I needed to trty it once more. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!


THANK YOU! I went from rage removing a very dodgy first row, to a full head in a few hours thanks to this video. Yes, some of them are closer to my scalp than others, and trying to neatly section went out the window fairly early on 🤣 but I've completed my first install! Thank you xx


It was super helpful to hear your specific pattern only required 31 dreads thank you :)


I watched a few videos that weren't much help, you made sure your viewers really know how to install. Thank you so much!!!
BTW... They turned out beautiful!


I currently pay $100 without tip for my installs. I usually give a $30 tip. I get mine done every 4-6 weeks. I hate the frizz so I get mine done more often. Eventually I want to do it myself bc it gets expensive! I have 2 young boys so atm its easier to pay to get it done. This will help SOOO much when I do it myself!!! Thanks for taking the time to film this!


Being an Indian and having dreadlocks going in 6years now I must say this looks so good on you. My hair was fine the same way as yours is and having real dreads thicken them up. It was nice to see how you put them on and it's good that you can take them out at anytime. Good job I enjoyed watching.


im watching this on mute bc syndrome and at the beginning when you take the strands and have them - i have always mentally thought "tie like shoelace?" and literally tried that once and realized i was a fool, but the second you did the twist and the upward pull it clicked for me. i've been doing diy hair for 16 years but have always avoided extensions but i crave them and i think that simple twist might let me have the Cosima hair i adore. thanks for making this <3


Thank you for your installation technique. Of all of the videos I’ve watched installing dreadlocks, your is the very best as well explaining so that even a child could do it properly. I definitely will doing them.


Some YT tutorials are a drag to watch, with a LOT of filler and talking that is irrelevant to the point of the video. But you are absolutely adorable and entertaining to watch, lol. The content is SUPER helpful! Thank you!


I had mine professionally installed over a month ago, probably right before you posted this, and she put them in so tight it did a lot of damage to my hair! This video gave me the confidence that I can do it myself ❤❤


I’ve been toying with the idea of dreads as I love the look on other people but installation is so expensive! I’m so glad I found your tutorial thank you 🙏 ❤xxx


I love the little smile when you see the first row installed...yes, they look so AWESOME 😎


This technique is going to help me so much, thank you! I just installed DE dreads the original way for the first time & already had some saggy pieces. The method you used is going to help me so much!


Thank you I think this is the best tutorial I have seen yet. I went with one end down the other clipped up and it was much more difficult. Wnext week when I redo mine I'll be trying your method thanks so much very helpful❤
