Find Longest Words in a Sentence Using Java 8 Streams API | Java Tutorial | Java 8 Tutorials

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Q57). Find Longest Words in a Sentence Using Java 8 Streams API

Learn how to find the longest word(s) in a given sentence using the Java 8 Streams API in this step-by-step tutorial. In this video, we write a Java program that processes a sentence to determine the longest words efficiently, leveraging the power of functional programming with Streams.

What you'll learn:

Using Streams to split and process strings.
Applying mapToInt, filter, and collect methods.
Writing clean, concise, and efficient Java 8 code.
Sample Input:
"My name is Saurabh, and I work at Capgemini as a Java Developer"
Longest word(s): [Capgemini, Developer]

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Great video and learning. Keep up the good work.
