Xeno Goku (Game) vs Kiana Kaslana (Full Power)

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... Xeno Goku negs Kiana and the whole verse while in base form.

Do ya'll know Demigra? Well get this, Demigra trascends the concept of time and space which automatically makes him Outerversal since concepts are endless, as in it is present in every verse in all of fiction so being able to trascend a concept or destroy it automatically makes one at that level. And Demigra was going to destroy the “Real World” (Beats World) and the Beats World views other worlds as fiction, like One Piece. He was also going to destroy all of DB's history which is literally infinite, he was literally about to erase infinite timelines, universes, realities, dimensions, realms and worlds. His reason? I don't know, Xeno gameverse makes no sense.

But anyways, guess who stopped him? Yep, you guessed it.. it's Xeno Goku, and you know what makes it more crazy? Goku defeated a final form Demigra while in base form.

Xeno Goku is casually immune to reality manipulating/warping, his hax and abilities allow him to literally overpower beings who post a threat to places outside of fiction, he also has meta awareness (most of em do) which allows him to realize that his world and all worlds of DB are simply in a game, hell in the DBH series, the characters inside the game station literally look at the kid from outside.

And you Honkai fans expect us to believe that Kiana wins? Oh please, spare us the stupidity.
What? Is my arguement too short? Fine, let's make it more detailed.

Xeno Goku in game is high Outerversal. This is because as we know that DBS multiverse is complex multiversal and DBS world is contained in one timeline. And then there are infinite timelines with different events and paths. These infinite timelines are contained in one history and there are infinite histories. This all makes up the Dragon Ball history which now can be scaled to an Outerversal cosmology. Demigra could destroy this infinite Dragonball history and that is not his best feat. Demigra could merge the DB history with the real world (Beats World). This world sees DBH as fiction and is transcendental of it. The Beats World also sees other shonens like Gurren Laggan as fiction, which can arguably make Beats World Outerversal becuase Gurren Laggan could be high balled to Outerversal cosmology or be seen as high Hyperversal 11D. If you are not convinced. Demigra is on par with Mechika who absorbed Toki Toki, which holds the existence of all dimensions and space time conceptually. Demigra was capable of absorbing Toki which whos existence is responsible for all of existence. It also stated that Demigra controls all of time and space on a - conceptual level - of existence and is also beyond time and space. This puts him beyond spatial dimensionality which makes demigra Outerversal. Demigra can transform into his "final form" that trascends his previous self making it another Outerversal feat. Demigra's base form also trascends Mira who trascends time conceptually making Mira low Outerversal and making Demigra high Outerversal and even more powerful with his final form because he is a being that trascended an Outerversal being. Now onto Xeno Goku, he defeated final form Demigra in base form. His speed is irrelevant since he scales faster than the Dark Dragonballs which move above and faster than time and space. Xeno Goku also saw all infinite DB histories which has infinite timelines containg infinite events, paths and possibilites making him nigh - omniscient. I forgot to mention that base Xeno Goku has reality warping/manipulation, matter manipulation, space-time manipulation, probability manipulation, power nullification (nullify any abilities and power) and energy manipulation. He is also resistant/immune to all of these haxes and many more to say. And transformations like SSJ4 Limit Breaker is said to have an uncountable multiplier much like CC Goku's SSJB evolved form.

So in in conclusion, Xeno Goku in base form is High Outerversal and much more powerful when he transforms into any of his SSJ transformations.

Note: Trascending time and space is different form trascending time and space conceptually which is an Outerversal feat. Trascending time-space is 5D and trascending the very concept of time and space is Outerversal. And there is a reason why Toriyama and the rest of the team behind Dragonball didn't make Xenoverse canon, and that reason is because Xenoverse characters are simply too damn broken, so much so that these characters would fit well in the Marvel and DC comics. REMEMBER FOLKS, if you see an extremely broken and OP non canon character, don't compare it to a canon one.. it won't end well for the canon one, trust me.

(99% of Honkai characters and Genshin characters can't even trascend a concept at full power, meanwhile majority of Xeno characters do it with ease while in freaking BASE FORM while barely using a quarter of their power. Only ones in Hokai that can theoretically trascend a concept is Kiana at her final form and the Herrscher of Void, even then it's still debatable, and even if they were capable of it, Xeno Goku still negs both of them and the whole of hoyoverse in base form, Xeno Goku just has way too much hax)


As a honkai fan I accept that xeno goku game solos the verse


O Goku Xeno é um personagem muito quebrado.☠️


game goku strongest from is outer and honkai impact is solar system
fair enough 🗿


Xeno goku game is outer at base right?


I don’t really care but I think a weaker version of goku he would definitely get clapped


kiana kaslana is like hyperversal and low outerversal but still Xeno Goku will destroys her


You know it's over when Goku gets IQ


A quintessential Xeno Goku scale.

*Movies:* Goku in Fusion reborn is able to literally shake the afterlife in Super Saiyan 3 just by transforming. The afterlife is a Metaphysical realm of abstraction that transcends the living world. The living world confirmed by screenwriter Takayo Koyama to contain an infinite dimensional hierarchy, each layer containing Reality>Fiction Transcendence over the last layer, making the living world alone high hyoer. But, we fan get it higher. Dende confirms dimensional walls to exist, and this would mean that the Dimension of strange swirling lights is within the living world, and since the Dimension of strange swirling lights is a Super-dimension, or an Outer construct, thus makes the living world alone Outer and the Afterlife Outer+. Janemba is able to warp the afterlife in his first form alao, making him Outer+ also. The Dead-zone is also called a Super-space, meaning 5D plus, and since Kid Gohan is able to destroy it, that makes Kid Gohan and above literally low multi💀🙏

*The anime:* Namek Second form Frieza has statements of being able to destroy the Living world, making him Outerversal, and anyone above him also Outerversal, and Goku as a SSJ as able to beat him. Cell in his saga has multiple statements of being able to destroy the Solar system, and even the universe, as even in his perfect from his power is felt across an infinite universe, meaning he's also Outerversal. In the Buū saga, we see Super Buū literally screaming out of the hyperbolic time chamber, meaning he can shout across space times, and then SSJ3 Gotenks does the same thing, and when he gets out, he warps reality just by existing. After Buūhan gets embarrassed by Vegito, he starts to destroy dimensuonal walls; Dimensional walls meaning the walls that separate dimensions like the HTC and the Afterlife; and Vegito states he's going to crush universe 7 with all of these alternate dimensions, an Outerversal feat. After Stopped by Vegito, he start becomes Kid Buū, and after instantly destroying what basically is all of time on earth, he threatens the grabd Kai world.

*I won't be including Battle of God's, while you could make an argument hebis from Battle of God's, it's controversial.*

*Grand Tour:* GT Goku is able to fight General Rildo, who Goku states has power surpassing Buūhan. *Universe Tufflelization saga:* Goku then fights baby, a tuffle parasite, who plans to bring the end of the Saiyan race. GT baby Vegeta is superior to Goku, who could take on each of his sons with one arm. After baby reaches SSJ3, he throws a revenge death ball, and it is aboe to affect Kibido Kai in his instantaneous movement, the space he travels through lacking the concept of time and space. After he arrives in Sogoruku space, he one-shots the dimension, and returns to Earth. But, nothing changes, until he absorbes Blutz waves, become a golden great ape, and then a Super Saiyan 4. Kibito Kaiōshin states he's not even using a fraction of his strength. Goku in SSJ4 can effortlessly beat baby, even tanking a revenge death ball, an attack stated to reduce you to atoms. The only way Baby thinks he can win if he absorbs 1, 000X the normal Blutz waves amount, becoming a golden great ape. This grants him a 10, 000X amp, as Saiyans only need 17 million Zeno's of Blutz waves to become a great ape. Baby absorbs 17 Billion Blutz waves, granting a 10, 000X amp of his Previous SSJ3. It still doesn't matter, as Goku absorbs the revenge death ball, now at full strength, beating baby. *Super 17 Saga:* A hole in the universe opens, the rift caused by 2 17's merging their power, bringing the gap between the afterlife and the living world; one 17 stating he has the power of hell inside him. Super 17 is able to tank attacks from every Z fighters, including Majuūb, who did better against baby than Goku-as a SSJ3. Goku then punches him across earth, (💀) and Goku one shots him with a Dragon fist. *Shadow Dragon saga:* They go to revert the damage done by 17, but 7 dragons fly across the earth, the earth overwhelmed by negative energy. After defeating 5 of the dragon balls, finds the 4-star ball; Neuova Shenron. Goku states he's stronger than anyone they've seen before m, as he proceeds to one shot him in base, turning SSJ4 and Neuova revealing his full power also. Eis Shenron also shows up, and Goku-while blinded and at half strength-one shots Eis, who is stronger than his brother, Neuova. Sin Shenron, the 1st star ball appears, effortlessly beating Goku. After receiving power from his family in a way similar to the God ritual, becomes Ultra full power super Saiyan 4. He defeats Sin while blinded, stating he has a literal Pseudo-Ultra instinct. Sin fuses with the 7 dragon balls Omega Shenron. Just by standing, he is going to destroy the entire universe, and even the Kaiōshin realm beyond it. Goku receives an attack from Omega, and states that once an attack hits him, it won't work again. Goku then one shots him with a dragon fist. (Dragon fist is a cheat code🙏🏽💀) but it doesn't work, and then they become the angel born on earth, Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta. Gogeta is so strong he states he can defeat Omega with 1 finger, kicking it into space. But, they defuse, and go back to getting clapped. Goku tries to take the negative karma ball own, but fails. After plot, he stands, tanking 2 negative karma balls in his base form, throwing a universal spirit bomb at him, defeating him. *After this, he fused with the 7 dragon balls, going with Shenron to a higher realm.*

*DBH:* Xeno Goku is a time patroller that battles against the dark empire, and is able to beat everyone from the main timeline. Demigra, an inter-dimensional demon who was sealed in the crack of time and plans to destroy the crack of time- this realm holding infinite possibilities and parallel worlds, states by Fū and Chronoa. This is verbatim the many world's interpretation, in which anything that can happen will happen. This means Demigra can destroy Infinite High Outer structures, as Zenō's palace transdends the Machrocosms and views them as chess pieces. which is Outer+ People as weak as evil amped Kid Buu and Pre -god form Goku can destroy these timeline crystal. Demigra is superior to mechikabura, who swallow the infinite history into himself and can regenerate endlessly. Demigra even absorbs Toki-Toki, the controller of fate and necessary for time to exist, and Demigra still loses to base Xenō Goku. Mira is superior to first form Demigra, who's self destruction is able to destroy all of history, the same Goku withstanding the attack Demigra was gonna use to obliterate reality, and Xenō Goku can fight in par with a UI Goku. Existing outside of this all is Beat's World, or the real world that views the cosmology as fiction. This isn't a higher dimension, but a case of Reality>Fiction Transcendence, as Beat needs to join the Cosmology as an avatar. This means Beat's World is Extraversal, and Demigra can destroy this, making him Extraversal. Xenō Goku is limited to SSJ in a fight and nothing else, as time itself will cease to exist. He gets stronger forms, like Ultra full power super Saiyan 4, defeating black Janemba, who is the abstract concept of evil. After both Xenō Gogeta and CC Gogeta are one shot by Fū, the 2 Goku's merge their powers, almost one shotting Fū, and CC Gogeta was states to be able to beat Zenō. This means that Xenō Goku is superior to Zenō, who is much stronger that all of the Hakaishin. Xenō Goku is able to keep on par with Fū, who ascended to the Charisma world, a realm that has a Reality>Fiction Transcendence over Beat's World.

AP: Beyond tiering

Speed: Irrelevant

IQ: Omniscient due to gazing into infinite histories, at the very least comparable to Xenō Trunks.

Existence erasure
Soul manipulation
Mind manipulation
Conceptual manipulation
Reactive power levels
Statistic amplification
Space-time manipulation
Time manipulation
Probability manipulation
Probability manipulation negation
Omni negation
Conceptual interaction
Strength recovery
Stamina recovery
Stamina draining
Spatial manipulation
Wish granting
Reality Warping
Life Force Absorption
Complete Arsenal


Mui goku game 💀💀💀>>> xeno goku game


Bruh Xeno Goku is not in Xenoverse and W edit


Anime Goku is enough Anime Xeno Goku is enough why tf bring Games Xeno?!?


I understand only one think
hoyoverse scaling and dbz scaling are cringe, both.💀


ok i understand. A Fandom is a Fandom after all


Can anyone tell me me where to scale xeno goku game becoz he far powerful than canon goku and canon goku is almost outversal


No wonder kiana lost so bad, it was only HoV and not Herrescher of Finality


I think it is canon but yeah in game version


Unlucky for Kiana if she battle with anime goku then she might be win high diff but her opponent xeno Goku arcade who can easily destroy Kiana and her verse


The ones saying cap pls take a shower 😭💀


Cap, debate?
Xeno got debunk, so Rigay> midxeno
