NumPy Linear Algebra | Python # 3
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Learn NumPy Linear Algebra in just ONE VIDEO !!
00:00:00 Intro
00:02:31 Jupyter setup
00:06:23 Numpy setup
00:08:16 Markdown cell
00:10:40 Array
00:11:26 type function
00:13:01 Indexing Array elements
00:14:36 Dimensions of Array
00:15:38 Matrix
00:17:36 Extracting a sub-matrix
00:19:22 Modifying matrix elements
00:22:15 Identity matrix
00:22:50 Zeros matrix
00:24:14 Ones matrix
00:24:48 Constant matrix
00:27:48 Random matrix
00:31:11 Mean
00:33:35 Standard Deviation
00:36:49 dtype function
00:38:31 Matrix Addition
00:41:06 Matrix Subtraction
00:41:45 Matrix Point-wise Multiplication
00:43:00 Matrix Point-wise Division
00:46:08 Matrix Products
00:55:52 Matrix Exponentiation
00:57:13 Kronecker Product
00:59:14 Matrix Decompositions
00:59:23 Cholesky Decomposition
01:03:06 QR Decomposition
01:05:05 EigenValue Decomposition (EVD)
01:08:58 SingularValue Decomposition (SVD)
01:10:08 Matrix Norms
01:10:10 L2 Frobenius Norm
01:10:24 Condition Number
01:10:56 Determinant of a matrix
01:11:10 Rank of a matrix
01:11:33 Trace of a matrix
01:13:05 Solving Linear Equations Ax = b
01:13:39 Inverse of a matrix
01:14:56 Moore-Penrose Pseudo-Inverse
01:15:53 Recap
Instructor: Dr. Ahmad Bazzi
Instructor: Dr. Ahmad Bazzi
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#PythonProgramming #Python #Numpy