Connecting Operations In Part Design | Modelling a Mug | Basic Beginners FreeCAD v1 / 0.22 Lesson 12

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This FreeCAD tutorial we'll expand how to connect operations across multiple planes and profiles. This guide is perfect for beginners, offering a gentle introduction to FreeCAD's sketch attachment mode. You'll learn a simple trick to create a thickened surface with single open outline in the Sketcher, making your modeling faster.

This is for FreeCAD version 1 also known as 0.22, 1.0 CR.

NOTE: If your a patreon then you will have access to the early access private playlist.

What You Will Learn:
In this lesson, we'll cover the following FreeCAD operations at a beginner level:

Part Design:

* Revolve: Learn how to create revolved shapes for complex designs. We will use this for the cup.
* Sweep / Additive Pipe: Understand how to use the sweep feature to create intricate pipes for a supplied profiles. We will use this for the handle.
* Sketch Attachment Mode: Discover how to attach sketches to existing edges, vertices, or points for precise placement.
* Fillet: See why a fillet might fail and fix the problem.


* Offset: Learn to quickly create a closed wire within your sketch for an open one.
* Import Geometry: Find out how to import existing geometry into a new sketch for accurate modeling.
* Fillet: Smooth out sharp edges in your sketches with the fillet tool.
* Construction Geometry: Use construction lines to guide your sketching without affecting the final model.

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These videos are freakishly valuable in calibrating intuition about freecad and cad in general!


I need to watch this a few times to internalize the operations. This is a very valuable advanced tutorial.


Awesome video as usual. The pace in your videos is perfect. Slow enough to make them easy to follow but at the same time quick enough to not to be boring.


Congrats at making the FreeCAD blog. Nice shout out to your channel.


I printed the cup after following along. Looks good! just going to follow this tutorial again as there was a lot covered off. Cheers.


Great Lesson, can't wait for the stable 0.22 version. Bugs surprise me at times, wont select axis, or the ubiquitous "access violation"... But I improvise. Thanks for the great videos, I appreciate all the effort you put into these, and the level of explanation, the repetition will solidify the toobar icons and their use. Even though they sprang new ones in 0.22... Thanks to your great videos, I am able to draw and print my own objects. Sometimes I get an idea on Thingiverse, but it needs modification, well, you have provided enough instruction its fairly easy to modify or just redraw... Thanks


I've been using FC for over 10 years. So many things have been added that I don't know about. The new dimension tool just pissed me off until now. Didn't know I could attach a sketch to the end of the other one like that. Just wow, it's a whole new Freecad to me. I've been fighting things through like I did 10 years ago


I never realized you can use attachment references that way, today I learned


Tell you what I would love MJ, to be able to click a point, then press constrain XY - with the result that it constrains that position to the origin in both dimensions with a single mouse click!

Then, if we could set a new datum point, say, the last constraint, another function would set any future selections to that new origin...

This would save soo much time!


As always a clear and comprehensive explanation of everything You do... I just wish that F.C was as reliable ;)
Best regards,


At 11:37 there are still 2 degrees of freedom but you say it is under constraint? I think the DOF involves the offset construction line and the revolve still seems to work fine so not sure if you did this on purpose. Awesome tutorial!


great tutorial! How would you alter the model if the lower end of the handle ends in the slanted part of the mug. I would make that it stick out to the inside and then delete the face or make a revole cut in the cup, but this feels somehow not perfect.


When I revolve, the top of the mug is not smooth, it is jagged. Any idea what is going on? Thanks! EDIT: It was the deviation setting, found in an earlier video, all good :)


Can you create a bike frame in your future videos? Thanks!


It's nice that you can make it through this tutorial using .22 😂 Revision 38553 won't let me apply _equal_ constraints to the fillets for some reason. I guess I ought to file a bug report?


In 1.0 RC2 clicking close on in the Tasks tab after creating the offset and constraining it, results in a non visible / non useable profile. There is nothing to revolve. I've gone through this several times. The lines for the side of the cup are fully constrained in the sketch view, and like your video, it says I have 2 Dof. Problem is, when I click close and it goes back to the model tab, there is nothing in the view. Best I can get it down to is 1 Dof. Can't find where that last dof is.


i dont have the dimension and the horizontal vertical constraints on my tool bar


Hi, Darren,
Where i can download Freecad Version 0.22 for windows 11?
My best regards.


Helllo, for some reason i cant find the offset? I'm on 0.21.2


I have installed Python 3.12 on my windows 7 computer. Early Freecad 0.22.0dev versions worked fine and now latest versions won't work properly and tells me so many DLL files missing.. Not sure what is causing this problem as python is working fine.
