China, Russia look to deepen 'Best In History' ties | Sergey Lavrov | Latest World English News

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During his two-day visit beginning 22 March, Lavrov will hold talks with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi on bilateral ties

#SergeyLavrov #RussiaChina #EnglishNews

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Well now it's seems like China, Russia, Pakistan, Turkey, Iran, North Korea Vs Almost the rest of the world😂


First China have to respect the territorial integrity of other country,


"Enemy of my enemy, is my friend" rings true in global politics. America had been using this doctrine for its struggle to be the #1, to various degree of success. US assisted the undesirables to fight another undesirable. The CIA actively supported Osama Bin Laden while he was fighting the Russians in Afghanistan. Osama Bin Laden hated the Russians, and Americans are only too ready to help him. But then Bin Laden turned around, and bit America by attacking the Twin Towers.

The dynamics of global politics changes according to circumstances and outside forces. Russia didn't come out of the cold war very well for its lack of economic prowess. But Russia is very good at developing lethal weapons which many countries wanted to lay their hand on. China turns out to be very good at economic matters, so good that it is selling manufactured goods all over the world, while also buying in huge quantities of raw materials. This was what China had done during its glorious days while the Silk Road linked many nations together by trades.

China and Russia are now best mates by choice as well as by necessity. It wouldn't amount to much of a threat to the West 20 years ago. But now it does pose a real competition for the West. The more sanctions imposed on China and Russia, the closer they come together. I reckon all these sanctions are but window dressing. he West kept using the Uighers as a pressure point to highlight China's apparent abuse of human rights. But we all know it is merely a ploy to paint China into a corner. It will come to a point China will totally ignore all the condemnations and go it alone. Hong Kong is a good example. China held back while the rioters burned properties and demanded independence. In the end, China no longer cares and crushed the so-called democracy movements.


Some saying : the more u press, the more u letting them rise.


Братья славяне, разве вы не учитесь у истории? Что было во времена Хрущева? Китай хочет вторгнуться к вам в Сибирь. Будь умнее, иначе горе славянским народам.


US and EU hate Chinese and Muslims, but they love Chinese Muslims.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Lavrov went to China to lease the 'big gas station'.
A sign that things are back to normal.


Biden is having an iron leg.(disastrous).


What else can two isolated counties do?


Talk about Indian economy China and Russia are in comfortable lead


India becoming a lapdog of the U.S. have decimated their relationship with Russia.


Russian and European union already united where is assian unian


The relationship between USSR and China never were easy for ideological, military, political and territorial reasons.

Vladimir Putin refuses to sign a military agreement with Xi Jinping for mutual defence as chinese president suggested. Russia doesn't want to be dragged into a war between China and USA in the South China Sea or in the Pacific Ocean.


The battles on Damansky Island on 02/03/69 -15/03/69 where 58 Soviet servicemen were killed and 94 were wounded after being surprisingly attacked by chinese soldiers. The number of chinese casualties is hidden by Chinese Government so far. 

A large Chinese force landed on the island well prepared to fight. Attempts to restore the situation with the help of Soviet motorized rifle units were unsuccessful. Then the Soviet command used the BM-21 Grad multiple launch rocket system. The Chinese forces were virtually destroyed on this small island (about 1700 m long and 500 m wide). Their losses were in the thousands. On this, active hostilities actually stopped.

On May 16 of 1991, under a new border agreement, Damansky Island was transferred to China despite the soviet victory in that short war.


Russia looks for fun filled event to do with china, even though they have long, outstanding border dispute among each others ..


News policy is good or struggling is goo


🚨🇷🇺 «Кровь и уроки крови»: в 1969 году КПК вторглась на остров Даманский и на Дальний Восток России, а теперь угрожает вторжением в арктический регион России. технологии и военные секреты для расширения. КПК никогда не отказывалась от заговора России с целью вторжения на границы, Даманский и Дальний Восток. Русские могут доверять Миру, кроме КПК.


'Group of Friends in Defense of the Charter of the United Nations' are becoming strong. There are so many countries haven't been added to the group yet. such as Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, Myanmar, Bangladesh... Ops look like they all are Endia's neighbours, maybe that's why they don't want be added to the group. is it ?


Chinese food and European bood and islam foods which one is good


Sad but China was not sincere in claim Spratly Islands and Akshaj Chin unilaterally .What you talk throw it into the dustbin.
