If I Retired, This Would Be My Income Portfolio

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One of the most common groups of questions that I get revolves around what would be good to hold in an income-focused portfolio for someone who’s retired or about to retire. And it’s something I think about constantly as I prepare for my own future later on down the road. So in this video, I’m going to discuss and give my own opinions as to what I think retired income investors should prioritize when constructing their portfolios and the types of investments that I would personally hold if I either didn’t want to work or was no longer able to work. One of the biggest issues when attempting to answer what are the best holdings for retirement revolves around the size of someone's portfolio.

Someone who can only save up $500,000 for retirement is going to have a different portfolio than someone who’s saved up $5 million. If you only have $500,000 and you want to completely live off dividends, you’ll have to invest in higher-yielding holdings. If, on the other hand, you’re lucky and have several millions saved up, you can invest in a stock yielding 2 or 3% and still live comfortably. So note that when I give my own opinion as to what I’d suggest retirees hold, I’m going to assume you don’t have more than a million saved up. Although I already dedicate my portfolio to higher-yielding investments, many of them are still dedicated to growth.

#dividendinvesting #dividends #dividendstocks
Рекомендации по теме

It's recommended to save at least 20% of your income in a 401k. You can use online calculators to estimate how much you should save based on your age and income. Saving at least 20% of your income in a 401(k) can help ensure that you have enough money to retire comfortably. By saving this much, you can take advantage of compound interest and potentially grow your retirement savings over time.


My retirement account has gone down by 13.7% in the past year due to rebalancing I did out of fear uncertainty and doubt. What are best alternatives to take in other to secure a financially free retirement and achieve ultimate peace? I don’t want to fail after 42 years of working hard.


How do people manage in retirement since 401k's are nothing to write home about? My 800k turned to 250k in no time. I'm 55, will I work till God calls me?I


You're such a unique investor! Absolutely enjoy hearing your thoughts and opinions on high yield investing


I've come to realize that money is a tool. I’ve worked so hard over the years to realize that if you don’t make money work for you, you can’t experience true freedom. fully retired with over $3.5million, my dividends is supplementing my retirement at the moment. started saving and investing in 2010 in growth, No regrets and financially free


I was advised to diversify my portfolio among several assets such as stocks and bonds since this can protect my portfolio for retirement. I'm seeking to invest $200K across markets but don't know where to start.


I just sold a property in Portland and I'm thinking to put the cash in stocks, I know everyone is saying its ripe enough, but Is this a good time to buy stocks? How long until a full recovery? How are other people in the same market raking in over $450k gains with months, I'm really just confused at this point.


I’m long JEPI / JEPQ / SCHD. That’s all I hold in my FIRE portfolio. 😎


30% REITs/BDCs
20% SCHD


I'm glad I got into crypto when I did because it’s been a turning point for me financially, been my best decision so far.


i am at retirement age now, and plan to begin drawing from my stock investments in just a few years, and I began investing just two years ago. Following Alan's advice, I invested in BDC's, REIT's, CEF's and CC ETF's, all yielding an average of over 10%, and last year the yield in each of my accounts was over 11% of my cash investments so far, and this after just a year or so of reinvesting the dividends. Also, I plan to draw on three sources of income, my SS, two commercial property rents, and my stock portfolio. So my goal is to be able to receive 3K from each, and to achieve this, I will need just $300, 000 in the market, which makes me feel ok as not too much of my assets are at risk in the market, and so whatever happens there is not the end of the world for me.


Great video, all solid retirement stocks... safety and reliability is key in retirement so I think you nailed it here.


Great Video. I just retired this past week at 55 and I've had my investments lined up pretty similar to what you suggested, for the past couple of years. I created a target of replacing my salary with dividend income and continued to funnel money into those investments until I hit my target. Some slight differences I have, would be that I don't own any individual BDC's. I prefer to own a ETF that holds a basket of them, like BIZD, whose top 10 holdings include all 3 of the BDC's you mentioned. I also am ok with owning covered call funds like JEPI, that offer some growth, but have much higher payouts than the dividend growth funds like SCHD. The covered call strategy is a low risk way to generate more income in my opinion. I reinvest a portion of the dividends every month to hedge against inflation, so I'm not relying on growth even if I do live to 100.


We experienced the peak of our era, and now it is gone. Recession is tanking everything including 401K. My retirement equities portfolio of $750K is in the reds. I keep losing because of inflation. This world will fall to the corrupt rulers in the same way that Rome did. I'm sorry if you're thinking about retiring and you're worried that your pension won't be enough to meet the rising cost of living. Horrible foreign policies everywhere, bad regulatory policy, bad fiscal policy, and bad energy policy.


wonder where she gets her analysis from though, I read her resume and I’m very impressed with his work. Thanks for the references.


Excellent video idea! I'm retiring in 10 months and started transitioning my investments last January. I intend to keep 20% in growth stocks and ETF, 80% in income investments. I'm choosing funds and BDCs with long track records to mitigate risk, thanks to the help of your videos and hourssss of research. I own ARCC, HTGC, CSWC, MAIN, PFFA, VICI, SCHD, DIVO, JEPI, JEPQ, CP, ATD, ENB, BAM, and other Canadian funds and stocks because I'm Canadian 🙂


The recent activity in the IPO market is quite notable


My plan is DIVO, JEPQ, MAIN, PFLT, SPYI, and SCHD for the core funds. I'll have a few others just because, TSLY, APLY, OARK, and SVOL in smaller percentages, though.


Hands down the best content on YouTube. I am truly grateful to you my friend!!!


Our investment choices are becoming more and more the same Usual Suspects. Thanks. I do my Own research and your videos are a big help.
