Can I Retire at 55? Tips for Early Retirement

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Most people retire around age 62, and most retirement advice is geared toward those who retire well after age 55. So if you’re retiring at 55, you need to be especially careful about typical rules and strategies—because they might not apply to you.

For instance, getting health coverage could be a challenge after you leave your job. But you might have several options, and some tax strategies might help you save money on premiums.

🔑 9 Keys to Retirement Planning
🐢 6 Safest Investments

If you found the video helpful, you'll enjoy the information above!

There’s also the question of where to get money from before age 59.5. Retirement accounts typically have early withdrawal penalties, but the tax code offers several ways to get money out early. We’ll review those here.

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Not many retirement calculators accommodate this strategy, whether you’re retiring early or delaying Social Security with a bridging strategy. Calculators often assume that you’ll start getting pension or Social Security income immediately at retirement, but if you leave work at 55, things may look different for you.

Fortunately, there are several tools available to help you run the numbers. I obviously do this with clients, but if you want to DIY, you can try calculators that range from simple to complicated.

🖩 Some calculators and resources for early retirement planning:

Use all of the above at your own risk. Read the assumptions and privacy policies carefully, and compare results among various tools. Disclosure: I am able to manage client accounts at Charles Schwab, but I receive no compensation or other benefits for including their calculator here. I am not affiliated with the calculators above at the time of publishing, and I don’t expect to be.

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Justin Pritchard, CFP® is a fee-only fiduciary advisor who can work with clients in Colorado and most other states. Flat-fee and one-time planning options are available.

00:00 Retiring at 55 Is Different
00:34 Why 55?
01:20 Health Insurance
06:06 Access to Funds Without Penalty
11:06 Shouldn’t I Minimize Taxes?
12:54 Do I Have Enough to Retire Early?
13:19 Example of Retirement at 55
16:12 Tips for Planning and Calculating

It's impossible to cover everything you need to know in a video like this. The only thing that's certain is that you need more information than this. Retiring early brings additional risk as you have additional years of funding and fewer years of working. Plus, more time means more uncertainty. Always consult with a CPA before making decisions or filing a tax return. This is general information and entertainment, and is not created with any knowledge of your circumstances. As a result, you need to speak with your own tax, legal, and financial professional who is familiar with your details. This video is not a substitute for individualized, personal advice. Please verify with your plan administrator when employer plans are involved. This information may have errors or omissions, may be outdated, or may not be applicable to your situation. Investments are not bank guaranteed and may lose money. Opinions expressed are as of the date of the recording and are subject to change. “Likes” should not be considered a positive reflection of the investment advisory services offered by Approach Financial, Inc. The Comments section contains opinions that are not the opinions of Approach Financial, Inc., and you should view all comments with skepticism. Approach Financial, Inc. is registered as an investment adviser in the state of Colorado and is licensed to do business in any state where registered or otherwise exempt from registration.

I retired at age 55 in April 2022. What I have found as the determining factor is your monthly expenses and debt. A paid off house and zero debt combined with low monthly expenses makes retirement doable. My monthly expenses average $1650/month. I've reduced the expenses to 12 items. 1. Food 2. electric 3. natural gas 4. water/sewer 5. trash/recycle 6. internet 7. cell phone 8. Auto insurance 9. home insurance 10. property tax 11. gasoline 12. home/auto repairs. Entertainment spending is fairly low in my situation because i can find many free things to do and see for minimal cost.


Retired from USAF at age 47 years old. I have TRICARE for life and VA health insurance. Thank you, Lord!


I retired at 55 and 1 month. But carried my healthcare with me at the same price. If I knew how easy retirement was I would have left earlier. Get out whenever you can.


Retired at 56 (almost 57). I had one years severance. Medical until 65. Took SS at 62. I am now 63 close to 64 and all is well.


Just sharing my situation, I retired September 30, 2022 age 55 under a VERA/VSIP early retirement offer from the federal law enforcement agency where I worked. My retirement is called FERS. I’m very happy I did it, full pension and full health insurance forever. I was hired right out of college age 21 in 1988 and saved the maximum in my Thrift savings account 401K, I paid into Social Security and my annuity is based on my high three salary which was 160K. So basically a three (3) tier pension. The VSIP was a bonus of 25K and if I need money from the 401K under the rule of 55 I avoid the 10% IRS penalty. Wish you all the best and always remember, nobody ever regretted retiring early 🏆


I did retire at 55, that was nine years ago. I’m an RN, and was fortunate that I worked at a public/teaching hospital—part of the state retirement system. The Regular Class retirement service guidelines at the time were :30 years regardless of age and 62 years of age with at least six years of credited service .The state pension system also offered an investment plan. However, there was also the DROP(deferred retirement option program )offered by my former of which I participated. It was eligible for those in the pension program who met the credited service requirements. An employee was then legally retired upon entering DROP, and worked as a retired employee for their employer . 5years was the max time one was permitted to work in the DROP, The 457B money was a nice bonus in to addition to the monthly pension the employee receives upon complete separation from the employer. The payouts of unused accrued time : sick, vacation, comp time extended illness time were a nice chunk of change.Consider myself very fortunate. Claimed Social Security at 62 providing me a dependent benefit, for my youngest child .Retiring at 55 and claiming Social Security worked out very well for me.


Thank you for explaining things to the public. You’re very kind to share your knowledge.😊


One of the best retire early videos on YT...


Good video, your voice and the way you talk reminds me so much of half life. The guy in the suite.


Excellent content, Justin. Thank you!


Funny I did some of my best work from 55 to 65. Heh Heh. Now my body began falling apart, starting in the late 50s, but still it helped to keep working until later.


Great video!! We used the same software. we are retiring July 2023, under the rule of 55. Would have been much harder to figure out w/o the software.


i m 57 and I think the business environment is forcing me to retire early. Most likely I will tackle my brokerage first, as to reach 60 or 62, when I plan on taking 401k out, as I delay my social security until 70. My wife is still working and being younger than me by a decade, she can still save on her side, while I spend mine.


When you have 10 percent inflation and a 3 percent return the numbers change just a wee bit.


Have you looked at the cost of cobra?
How is that a realistic option?
Why is that so high on your list?


re-watching this. Can you do a video about freelance with his/her own 401k ?


Love your advice! I am 53 and want to retire at 55. I would love to avail your services. How can I speak to you and schedule something?


I'm 58 and debt free with savings and money aside, can I retire at 62?


My understanding is ACA is based off your last W2 and with that being said, if my last year before retirement I make say $150k then I'm going to pay through the nose for insurance but after that first year, my next W2 is going to be significantly smaller and that's when the ACA really makes sense. Please correct me if I'm wrong on that.


I have 401k with my employer. I got laid off and I am 55 year old. Company is giving me 6 month of severance pay (paid Bi-weekly). Am I able to utilize the rule of 55 now or do I have to wait for 6 months (after my severance pay ends)?
