Can Lebanon come back from the brink? | The Stream

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“Lebanon’s finished.” That’s the prevailing sentiment among many residents in this nation these days, as it grapples with the worst economic crisis in its history.

Today, nearly half of Lebanon’s six million people live below the poverty line. More than a third of the working population is unemployed, and the nation’s currency has lost 60 percent of its value against the US dollar.

The situation has spiraled since March, when the country defaulted on a foreign debt for the first time.

Protests over the fallout of the financial collapse were briefly put on hold by a months-long lockdown that has succeeded in curbing cases of the coronavirus within the country.

But demonstrations are flaring up again because the pandemic has made it harder for people to afford basic items like food and clothing.

Lebanon's newest set of leaders have proposed a “recovery plan” to woo international aid. But analysts warn that there are no easy fixes for decades of corruption, sectarianism and complicated geopolitics.

In this episode we ask, can Lebanon come back from the brink? Join the conversation.

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Thanks for watching everyone. Tell us what you think in the comments below. We read all of them.


Guest making the point (I think) regarding the IMF that the people are against austerity, when his audio cut out and that point was not returned to. It is socialism or barbarism. If the Lebanese get this it is not getting into English media.


It could never have lasted forever, the Lebanese were living way above their real standard for decades, but now investors are no longer willing to keep the Ponzi scheme going, other countries can’t afford or don’t have an interest in supporting Lebanon either, €100 billion in people’s savings has been looted, the system is dysfunctional, there’s no way out for Lebanon.


My question is will there be a future for Lebanon's economy?


Yet when you meet a Lebanese overseas, they act like they are the sons of Emperors and Kings.
Aye Lebanese people.. SMH


Such comments were being made for Iran. But what is happening now it has become second largest economy in Middle east. Tehran Stock exchange is world's best performer this year..


can someone explain why someone in Lebanon would want to bring a child into this World when they cannot even feed themselves ????


İt seem after westbank annexation by occupeirs next will be Lebanon. İ hope I'm wrong. Stay strong people of Lebanon.


@Al Jazeera, I expect a face of a prsenter that doesn't give me nightmares


This woman to agley get other reportar
