Should you use a big coil or small coil on your metal detector? Lets sit down!!

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Contrary to popular belief, small coils may cover more ground than big coils in trashy conditions.
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I'm using a 15" coil, I swing low and slow ....I take my time, it's not a race to cover a field, I use the the big coil to get better depth ...I'll change back to a smaller coil when I've got restricted space to swing the machine, ive just found a charles 1st hammered silver shilling dated no later than 1649 as he was executedin


First 2 minutes says it all. Explains alot just right there.
Thanks for the rest of the video too, lol.


I've had a 6 inch coil on my Equinox 800 for a couple years now and absolutely love it.


I do like the snipper coils! Large coils are much harder to swing in water as well 👍😎


I found my best find ever with the smallest coil made for that machine. So every machine I have has a smaller or smallest coil on it and that is what I hunt with. Great for getting between the trash :) Yeah
Thanks for the video


I like your thought process here and totally agree with you. I find hunting with a smaller coil more enjoyable, and not just due to the weight difference. I bought the Deus 2 originally with the 12 inch coil back when they were really hard to find but the whole time I wishing I had the 9 inch coil. Now that I have the 12 inch and the 9 inch, I'd say 85-90% of the time I hunt with the 9 inch. I know a 9 inch coil isn't exactly small but that coil separates very well on the Deus 2 and is suprisingly deep as well. You really can't go wrong with it. You made a nice video and some really good advice and observations here.


Man, you made a brilliant video here. I’ve just yesterday bought a new equinox 800 and it came bundled with the standard coil and a free 6 inch coil as a promotional offer. She’s currently on charge and I’ll be assembling her tonight. Because of your work here, I know which coil I’ll be fitting, and for sure, it’s the 6 inch.
Many thanks.


My tube channel (Silent Bruce) 3D detecting, Each coil has a "Focal point" As you mention with a large coil it focuses deep and the more shallow stuff "Masks" the deep signals. A large coil gets too many signals in the detection coil field. As you say. I hunt civil war relics in the woods, Often I have 6 inches of leaves, short brush. Using a large coil it's 6 inches above the ground, Making my focal point 6 inches more shallow. A small coil loses to much depth being as high as it has to be.
Coils used are determined by the location you're hunting. I've been at it over 40 years, Each hunt I need to learn, They all are different. Good points in your video.


"Lets sit down ... and really think about what we are doing here!"

We are matching up our detection system with the target types we expect to find... and the coil size and type are/is paramount. (smaller shallow targets... smaller coils... larger deeper targets, like silver dollars, well we need to run larger coils to find them.

We have to have a detector like the GMT or Deus 2 that can give us an indication of both soil mineral type and mineral strength.

So we can decide whether we need a double D or standard deeper seeking concentric or dual loop coil.

Then if the groung is hard and dry... maybe just look for shallow targets and hunt for deeper targets after we get a big rain with larger coils.

So it all comes down to location, soil type and angle of attack. ... and luck!


The beach is a different animal. Every inch makes a big difference 12 or 13 is optional, and small coils are for parks


Thanks Jeremy for this video, I really prefer smaller coils too. Easier on the arm and more finds. I'm still waiting for my lg24 and know I'm going to be more successful with it. I've learned much from your videos and appreciate how you explain things. Thanks again and look forward to my new coil and your next video.


Jeremy, I just did a hunt at a permission with both my 6" and 11" Equinox 900 coils and found several mercury dimes and a buffalo nickel, etc. Both mercs were on the surface but the buffalo was about 7" down. Since the ground was rototiller in the past I went ahead and ordered a 15" coil on Amazon for just $125 as it was a used/new return. I plan on hitting the front yard again when it comes in next week. I totally agree with you on your thinking about coil usage/speed.... I actually find more coins with the 6" coil just about all the time! If you have time check out the video.


Super informative. Situational settings on how the different size coils work within certain grounds. Getting out the top targets first when needed. Good stuff when you want that extra step detecting.💯


Oh yeah. Just bought a 6 incher for my CTX. Had the 17 also. The big one is good for a hunted out place mainly. get them squeakers on the edge of detection. Or fields. I was in a plowed field a few years ago. and my CTX was hitting the iron big time 2 feet down. And that was just my standard coil. But the CTX has recover deep which only amplifies the weak signal. And if you use that with combine audio you hear the squeakers.


good and informitave video. I'll be changing to my smaller coil.


Very good information. Glad you shared.


i start with the deus2 with 9 coil because i want to go in beach between the umbrella and beach chairs and i know there is trash and need to be very fast and selective or i waste time, after some time i pick the 11 coil for winter because aftet the storm surge the target one day are in surface and the day after be under 15-20 cm so need to go a little more deep and notice che 9 coil have difficulty to pick up the target and make a good sound, add the rumor of wave cant hear the target very well so with the 11 i resolve


I really like the way you explained this.. I’m also in totally agreement with you.


Don't forget the benefit of the lighter weight of the small coil for us "somewhat older" folks ! 😅


Because of watching this video I have added a 6 in coil to my legend. I already had one for my equinox. I have been out 3 times now using the technique swing fast dig it all. First 2 days I found jewelry with the equinox. Junker ring an enameled lapel pin and a Pandora heart charm silver with Swarovski crystals on it as a result of using this technique. Thanks for the informative vids really enjoy them. Also I'm using my legend more and more over the equinox I think it's a better machine not by a lot but better.
