Terraform | Episode 47 | Terraform lifecycle meta-argument | Understanding lifecycle meta-argument.

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In this session, we will look at the "lifecycle" meta-argument. We can use the "lifecycle" meta-argument when you want to control the lifecycle of the resources. For example, by default, when we update the configuration files, Terraform will destroy the resource first and then create the new resource when it cannot update the resource in-place. We can change this behaviour by using the "lifecycle" meta-argument. We can use the "create_before_destroy" argument to control this. By using this option, Terraform will first create the new resource and then destroy the old resource.

Happy learning!!
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nice one.. in my case i deployed a private endpoint to an existing.. key vault but i do the same to an existing storage terraform tries to delete the kv part so i used the life cyle = ignore all .. this way it did not delete is there anything else
