C++ POINTERS FULL COURSE Beginner to Advanced (Learn C++ Pointers in 2,5 hours)

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This is a full C++ Pointers course. It'll teach you the most important from beginner to advanced pointer topics.
In this course, you will learn the basics of pointers in C++, how and when are they used, the relationship between pointers and arrays, how to use pointers to pass elements by a reference to a function or to return multiple values from a function.
You will also learn about dynamic arrays and multidimensional dynamic arrays, function pointers, and smart pointers (unique, shared, weak)

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This is a step-by-step course designed to take you from beginner to expert in no time!
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Other courses:

00:00:00 - Tips before you start learning
00:03:01 - Introduction to C++ pointers
00:13:56 - What is a void pointer?
00:29:06 - How to use pointers and arrays
00:41:43 - Return multiple values from a function using pointers?
00:56:53 - Dynamic arrays - How to create/change arrays at runtime?
01:10:26 - Multidimensional dynamic arrays (two-dimensional dynamic array)
01:28:02 - How to detect errors and bugs in code?
01:39:15 - Explaining Memory Leaks in C++
01:47:56- Function Pointers
02:09:30 - Smart pointers (unique, shared, weak)

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📚 Learn how to solve problems and build projects with these Free E-Books ⬇️
Experience the power of practical learning, gain career-ready skills, and start building real applications!
This is a step-by-step course designed to take you from beginner to expert in no time!
💰 Here is a coupon to save 10% on your first payment (CODEBEAUTY_YT10).
Use it quickly, because it will be available for a limited time.


These videos are easing my anxiety because of the clear, direct way of explaining things, rather than my indirect, abstract focused professor in data structures. Keep up the good work


Better than all university instructor I've ever seen. You magically explain the simplicity hidden behind apparently complex ideas . Thank you Saldina, thank you very much! Very happy to get to know you on YouTube.


56:47 Return Min and Max with class:
-Create class with private variables Max Min
-Create Constructor with input array and size as arguments as well as 2 functions in it to find Max and Min
-Create 2 public class methods to return Max and Min
-In main(); create object with test array and size; cout the class methods for Max and Min


We should require college professors to watch this first before teaching pointers in class.


Oh i am definitely team C / C++, these tutorials are very good and have helped me clarify problems i have had with pointers.
You are a good teacher!


I am more than impressed about your natural and easy flow teaching and presenting C++ concepts. Makes learning fun and interesting. Thanks for all your hard work. I am a C++ new bee. I am learning C++ to enable me write embedded code and for robotics as well. Both C++ and Python3. I will continue watching and learning from your videos and also show gratitude!


I haven't coded c++ in a couple of years, and always have felt so lost while trying to relearn concepts, but watching these videos helps my coding anxiety immensely. I also feel like now I can understand concepts better, and go into the developer field. Thank you! Your videos are addicting.


Without a doubt one of the finest lecturers you'll ever come across: amazing ability to present the root of any matter with just a few examples that are so straight-forward. Can't get over how brilliant this girl is.


Your explication about multidimensional dynamic arrays was pure class. I had some serios issues with that but now everything is clear because of you. We need teachers like you !


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I still remember I came here from free code camp watching your video about OOP, it helped me a lot. Hope this could be great too
Also I like the way you speak, its easy to listen for me who still learning english
Keep up the good work!


I cannot thank you enough! You are really good at explaining concepts and have helped me a lot in filling in some missing gaps for me. You have inspired me to start a channel of my own after I graduate to continue to make Programing accessible to all. ✌🏼💚💻


Pointers really gave me a hard time couple weeks ago, your pointer playlist cleared all my doubts! Thank you very much Saldina! ❤️


Finished watching full course, loved it.
Thanks for making examples small to the point.
You became my first coding female tutor.
Again thanks for making this video


Hello Saldina I'm from free code camp. Your explanations are understandable to me. The best tutor c++ in You Tube.


Your lessons are so well done, clear, and inviting. I love it!
Thank you so much!


Thanks a lot Saldina.
You couldn't be a fashion modele, but you are a human module, may God bless you.


The best part was the multi dimensional dynamic arrays. I could not understand them. You made them clear. Thank you very much.


You are still my favourite C++ tutor on YouTube👌. Came back for a refresher and your explanations always hit the mark.
