Michael Heiser Eschatology Overview 04 The Rapture

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Wow, I sure miss Dr. Heiser. And I’m also so so grateful we are not saved by our eschatology.


I used to hold on to the classic dispensationalism, but here, later in life after decades of study have come down to the resurrection and not a rapture theology. And I also can't get my eyes off of what happened in 70 a.d., and how much of Matt 24 matches those events very clearly. But the bottom line for me is this: God loves us. And I don't believe God is a sadist. We were not made for wrath. But I also know we are warned over and over to be ready. Every human that has ever lived, or is alive at His return will be judged on the great day of judgement. That much we do know, and that is what you need to prepare for. Keep your lamps full.


We're here 'til we ain't. Thank God for each and every day.


In Gulliver's Travels the Lilliputians are divided by those called the big ender's and the small ender's. Dr Heiser is not trying to make you one or the other, he is trying to stop people going to war over it.


I have long ago thought that eschatology was a thing God was not displaying clearly for his own good reasons. This puts meat on the bones of my thoughts.


Never knew there were so many scenarios. Seems I was Amillenial for 62 yrs. and did not know it. Now, two yrs. after mandates took our careers, I have changed my eschatology and also some other views in my life. Yes, filtering in Bible study has a major impact on your views, but so does personal experience and timing. There will be many arguments in favour of certain views or not. We are still human; we will differ on interpretation. We will even differ with our own opinion should we experience influence(s) that influence our thinking! My big jump came as stated - started with Covid lockdowns and got turbo-boosted with mandates. I have lost connection with many people, not just ex. colleagues of 24 years. I believe the Lord has moved my life on to a different lane and rapture has become extremely valuable now that I have time to actually study scripture. Pre-trib view is apparent to me now as scripturally correct with the new filter I have been blessed with. Now I can get on with what is truly important; standing still, looking up to Jesus and seeing the salvation of the Lord! Maranatha!


I would have loved to talk to this guy


For the love of mercy!. Just be ready. Receive Jesus as savior before it's too late!. ❤❤


This was a great overview and greatly appreciated.


There are things that we do need to know. There are things that we don't need to know. What we must worry about is how we take those things to heart and how we obey the things in the first category.


Many denominations consider rapture theology unscriptural. There is 1 return of Christ period. The early church did not have a split view of His return. John Nelson Darby and Scofield created a construct called Dispensationalism in late 1800s . It's always good to know the foundations of belief.


My friend was fond of saying (with regards to eschatology) that he was a “pan-theorist” as in “everything will pan out in the end, so the details don’t matter”.


I just want to know the Truth. I don't care about sticking with a certain end times belief system.


As Mike has said many times, you have the splitters and the joiners, but you also have (in prophecy) the already, but not yet. There are things in eschatology and prophecy that are not meant to be understood until the right time.


It would be valuable to reexamine this topic with an emphasis on the events that occurred before, led up to, and included the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. Josephus provides fascinating insights from this era that some might interpret as fulfilling end-time prophecies. Furthermore, a compelling argument exists that none of the 83 individuals named in the New Testament wrote any texts after the 70 AD destruction. Delving into this perspective could greatly enhance the discussion.


I understand too little from the Bible. I leave the doctrinal conflicts to the experts. Absolutely great methodology that of doctor Heiser.


Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him! For if, while we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!
Romans 5:6-11

We are waiting the return in service of our Glorious Bridegroom ❤❤❤❤
I pray the world will as Jesus said...be known by our love for each other.
Division and discord is not of the body of Christ. Put it far from us.


Really, it all comes down to trust... Will you trust God?
Is He worthy of trust?
No worries, He reigns for ever more!


The details of eschatology definitely matter here. If you think the world is meant to get worse and worse until Jesus pulls you off the planet while he destroys it, you're more likely to withdraw from society and _let_ everything get worse. If you think the world will get better and better as we Christianise the entire planet before Christ's triumphant return, you'll likely be more willing to get involved making that so. It's a huge deal.


Anybody see the Messiah 2030 videos? That's my position (Parts 1 to 3). I can't speak to Part 4 yet as it hasn't come out.
