Why I Walked Out On Tony Robbins’ $2000 Event

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In 2018, I paid $2,000 to go to Tony Robbins’s 3 days “Unleash the Power Within” seminar. I jumped up and down for 7 hours, and then... I walked out after 8 hours.

In this video, I share with you my honest experience attending one of Tony Robbins’ events, what I learned, and whether it’s worth it for you to spend $2,000 to attend.

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Going to a Tony Robbins event didn't really solve my problems. But I came out of it with a lot of solutions and I gradually integrated them into my life, which in turn solved a lot of my problems. I don't think Tony is trying to instantly fix you. It's more like when you go to the gym you don't instantly turn into Schwarzenegger. It's more about how much you are willing to commit.


"When you talk about it, it's a dream. When you start to envision it, it get's exciting. When you get a plan, it's possible. But when you schedule it, it's real." Tony Robbins


"The secret to getting ahead is getting started." Mark Twain


I went to UPW around 15 years ago which changed my life for the better. The reason I benefited so much is that I was seeking to improve my self as a person. I was so impressed I sent my brother who I felt needed this in his life. He hated the event. The difference between us was I was ready for change and wanted to advance in all aspects of my life.
Tony is a master sales man as well. I don't deny this.


I remember when i was in high school. A motivational speaker came and I was brought up on stage. They asked me to write down the hardest subjects i was doing at the time. He then proceeding to ask me to hold up the paper with names and punch them. The paper was not hard so therefore the subject wasnt hard either. I went on to fail Advanced Mathematics. He was so helpful


I love how he's drinking tea while he's spilling the tea LOL


Sure Tony has some weird stuff but I gotta say how much his Personal Power 2 cd's turned my whole life around. I was constantly like, "Why didn't I learn any of this stuff in school or from my parents??" Even to this day I'm watching videos from countless psychologists, motivational, and even spiritual speakers who are just recycling what I heard in those CD's decades ago. It's easy to eye-roll when you hear a name like Tony Robbins (I knew him as Anthony Robbins when I started listening/reading), but when you actually practice what he teaches it seems to always start up the momentum in a better direction.


I did the unshakable workshop online last month and it was dynamic! I wasn’t expecting him to fix me, but it did give me motivation and the realization that being stagnant was on me!


I went to the free 2022 Breakthrough event and found it to be helpful for me.

The brain is powerful, as Henry Ford says "Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right"

Every teacher has a method of teaching, and maybe that method doesn't work for you.


$2000 per ticket, lots of attendees. This conference isn’t about solving people’s problems. It’s about putting money in someone’s pocket.


When I was a brand new agent I went to a Keller Williams event and it was the same way. Almost cult like. The most memorable part was when they had me lay on the ground and chant “I’m a money magnet!” while other agents threw $1 at me like some sort of stripper. Needless to say, I’m not with Keller Williams Realty anymore..


I've watch Tony Robbins clips on YouTube, and they seem to have a vibe of MLM meetings, i.e. manipulative af. When you change a person's state by using lights, loud music, breaking set, pumping up the audience - it might alter a persons feelings and perceptions in the moment, but it's not really transformational or long-lasting.


I think what Tony is best at is helping us realize the answer is inside of us and put us in a peak state to realize that. Glad after going to his event you were able to find solutions you need and reflect more deeply.


I attended his Date With Destiny seminar back in 2014, and it was life changing.

A massively positive experience that completely transformed my life. As a person who went through A LOT of trauma in his infancy, I can tell you I was able to solve the vast majority of it in just the first 3 days, after having been in therapy for 2 years without making the slightest change.

His book "Awaken the Giant Within" is a masterpiece, and despite being 30 years old is still a great place to start if you want to know Tony a little better without spending thousands of dollars.

And of course his free videos are still highly valuable.


saw his most recent documentary and felt moved. so i invested in a used version of his Awaken The Giant Within book. read the whole book. did every single exercise. and i revisit my projections from year to year to see if i'm on track with my objectives/goals.

lots of improvement. lots of lessons. lots of inner work.

good luck and keep going!


I walked out of tony robbins 5k Chicago conference

I had grown up with Tony in the house, my dad was a business man and fan

My dad suggested I go so I did

12 hour days, cold cold room. My first red flag was the selling of his products *after* the room was whipped up in a frenzy, in virtually a vulnerable state of mind..

The straw that broke the camel's back was when he hit the lights and started to guide the crowed into a spiritual state, anyone who's gone knows what I'm talking about..

I've been doing psychedelics for 15 years at that point, and feel if there's one thing I'm centered in is my spiritually, society and "monitory" success not so much..

I walked towards the back and was stopped *4 times* from people with badges not allowing me to leave, trying to talk me back into going back in, I refused and didn't look back

Tony Robbins is a snake oil salesmen period. If you benefit from self help good for you, but it wasn't for me

What's worse is being surrounded by 5k people who are buying into the program, made me feel like I was crazy for not buying into it

I'm surprised that this video didn't mention the tactics to keep you in your chair or to participate


Love the honest take…. So refreshing to seeing something with no agenda today on YouTube.


I really feel like Noah is my mentor through this channel. Thanks for your content man, I feel you.


You don't have to be great to start investing, But you have to start investing to be great.


I joined Tony’s free seminar online and “dread” is what I felt. It was good to hear you say that. It’s not just me. Lol
