Fred Swaniker: The leaders who ruined Africa, and the generation who can fix it

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Before he hit eighteen, Fred Swaniker had lived in Ghana, Gambia, Botswana and Zimbabwe. What he learned from a childhood across Africa was that while good leaders can't make much of a difference in societies with strong institutions, in countries with weak structures, leaders could make or break a country. In a passionate talk Swaniker looks at different generations of African leaders and imagines how to develop the leadership of the future.

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I can't believe the amount of stupidity in the comment section people would rather critisize and tell someone they can't accomplish something rather than do anything about the problem.! What this man is is doing is not only extremely practical for all developing nations but gives the youth a hope to look forward to! 


This is the most inspiring lecture I have ever seen in my life. As an african it makes me so proud and excited for the future.


I'm reading all these comments from people who a) Have never lived in Africa or b) Have never even been to Africa. Having been born, raised and educated in the Free South Africa I completely agree with this man. Leaders make or break a country and it takes good leaders to help a country move forward. Botswana is a great example of what a great leader can do while Zimbabwe is an example of what happens when a leader goes rogue. 


Yes, indeed. Rwanda's Paul Kagame is by no means perfect. However, he is one of Africa's best leaders in the last 15 years. Proud of my president.


I loved the talk but if you look at South Africa now our 4th generation leader is Jacob Zuma who has been embroiled in corruption scandal after corruption scandal... The work you're doing is amazing, I would love to help out in which ever way that I can. Education is the only sustainable solution to the majority of our African problems


Great man, we fled Ghana at about the same time for the same reason, I can certainly understand this man and where he comes from, my father had to hide for 3 years in Ghana because he could not leave the country, while me my sister and my mother waited for him in Belgium. I know exactly what he's talking about, but I also lived my entire life in Europe now and I know for a fact that emulating European or any other so called advanced countries in the world is a mistake, their systems are failing and are not sustainable, we need forward thinking people who will not just look for the short but most importantly to the long term, people who are willing to challenge the establishment that has brought the planet almost to the brink of extinction.


Fred as an African I share your views. I wish our leaders would be like you. When I see how my country is now I want to vomit and I lost hope in my South African leaders.


I enjoyed this talk. I had a chance to live in Tanzania, Africa, as a Peace Corps Volunteer less than two years ago. Tanzania is a very poor country, but it is culturally rich, and more important, it is peaceful. Since it's independence in 1961, Tanzania's first President, Julius Nyerere, peacefully orchestrated the countries' independence from England. He came from humble roots as a primary school teacher, but he was a well educated man who was friends with the President who started the Peace Corps, John Kennedy. Tanzania took a socialist route to development, as some other countries- and African culture is naturally socialist to some degree. He united the country with one language. Now Tanzania is developing more and more, becoming more democratic, more entrepreneurial. There are still problems and challenges to be sure, but Tanzania is a good model for the rest of the continent


It seems everybody argues on how we got into the problems we face in Africa but nobody is talking of ways of solving this problem. Yes, identifying the root cause of how an issue started is great at preventing future failures but must we only focus on that every time we debate? What does that achieve?

That for one is a prime reason things aren't improving in Africa.

I for one think agriculture is our way out. Micro-financing (obtained from diasporan expendable income), farming education (networking farmers with experienced locals or experts). All this and more relies on finding people with the same passion, same goal & honesty. There are good people out there, it's just that the capitalist system is turning everyone into selfish, greedy capitalists.

We need to change our way of approaching problems, I propose a start small, contribute within your means, live simple, network, educate & above all, do everything for the better good of man!


Here is the thing and it has been true trough all ages and all regions of the world: Young men without opportunity and occupation will start wars, commit violence and crime and are, generally speaking, a disaster for any country in any age of history.  If you want stability in a region, prosperity and peace - you need to give these young men opportunity, education and occupation.


This talk has brought so much hope in my life and i must admit that everything he has said is true. The title attracts and it's not at all misleading to me.


Even before it is 5.25, it is already the best speech I have watched on Ted so far. Best example what good education can do. The auditorium should have been fully packed with people for the topic is very important. Africans, wake up and choose good leaders. There is no point always blaming the Western countries.


I plan to bring my software company to Africa. Im African. American. Here is a note, there will be people that criticize, there will be people that watch, then there will be people that do. People that do dont mind for the other two😁


Fred Swaniker, am a big fun and one of the leaders being cultivated in the ALX program. 8 years from when this Video was uploaded and indeed Fred is walking the talk.


This is a very interesting and invigorating concept. One major challenge is the fact that there is a business and political elite who are really pushing to keep Africa as broken and dysfunctional as possible, because this in effect is what keeps them in power. 


I love this guy. And he is giving us a lesson on African governance that we in the west desperately need.


Oooh! Woow woow. This gent is speaking sense into my head;
How if feel and hope that such minds could have mentored and natured. We need this kind of brave and brilliant minds!


Great message to the younger generations of Africa
We need change in our continent Fred Swankier you're doing a good job... Your words are so inspiring
Be blessed


This is a great talk! The universities are ... just wow, awesome man.


Fred is such a great guy-never met him, but hopefully someday. I also went through coups d'etats in my native Chad. I had the opportunity to live many years in the United States. Fortunately, I did go back to Chad a couple of times for many years. It was a 10 year span in Chad that I fell in love with Africa. Just like Fred, I am determined and focused on developing opportunities for emerging African leaderships.
