Webinar - Live - Home for the Holidays with Bethany Brewin and Danielle Nolan

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ÀÀAs we approach the holidays and school winter break, you may be decking the halls, lighting the Menorah, or building a snowman. You may also be wondering: “how can I encourage my child to take a well-needed break from school or therapy, without losing the momentum and structure of daily routines?” Join Bethany Brewin (Occupational Therapist, M.Sc. O.T.) and Danielle Nolan (Social Worker, MSW RSW) for a winter-themed webinar that aims to support caregivers in continuing to build skills across a variety of areas, while having fun as a family and enjoying all the season has to offer. Bethany and Danielle will provide information on 5 different activities that you can do at home during the holidays, with minimal supplies or preparation. The activities will highlight 5 skill areas: fine motor skills, gross motor skills, sensory skills, calming/mindfulness skills, and socio-emotional skills. This webinar is appropriate for children of all ages.

We hope these activity recommendations give you some ideas of where to start when looking for fun activities to try with your family.

Danielle Nolan MSW RSW
Danielle is the Social Worker on Autism Ontario’s newly formed, Subject Matter Expert team. She lives in the East Region and has a particular interest in supporting rural populations. She completed her Master of Social Work designation at the University of Toronto where she gained practicum experience at the Hospital for Sick Children. Over the past 7 years, Danielle has worked in child welfare and children’s treatment. Most recently, Danielle was the social worker in an Autism Hub. She provided brief- and on-going emotional and instrumental support to children with ASD and their families.

Bethany Brewin M.Sc.O.T.
Bethany is an experienced occupational therapist living in Simcoe County. She attended the University of Toronto for her Master of Science in Occupational Therapy. She has worked with children, youth, and families across Canada, as well as providing consultation services to childcare settings, schools, and community organizations. Bethany has presented on a variety of topics over the years, from fine motor skills to the impact of screen time on early childhood development. She is particularly passionate about connecting with the world around us through mindfulness: engaging our senses to connect with our surroundings. Bethany is part of Autism Ontario's "Subject Matter Expert" team.

Disclaimer: Opinions reflected in this webinar are those of the speaker(s) and presenter(s), and do not necessarily reflect Autism Ontario’s views. Please note Autism Ontario does not endorse any specific therapy, product, treatment, strategy, opinions, service, or individual. We do, however, endorse your right to information. Autism Ontario strongly believes that it is important to do your own research and make your own informed decisions.

Les Fêtes à la maison avec Bethany Brewin et Danielle Nolan (en anglais)

À l'approche des Fêtes et des vacances d’hiver, vous êtes peut-être en train de décorer la maison, d'allumer la menora ou de construire un bonhomme de neige. Il se peut aussi que vous vous demandiez « Comment encourager mon enfant à prendre une pause bien méritée de l'école ou de la thérapie, sans briser l’élan et la structure des routines quotidiennes? ». Bethany Brewin (ergothérapeute, M.Sc. en ergothérapie) et Danielle Nolan (travailleuse sociale inscrite, maîtrise en travail social) offrent un webinaire sur le thème de l'hiver, qui a pour but d’aider les aidants à continuer de développer des compétences dans divers domaines tout en permettant à la famille de s’amuser et de profiter de tout ce que l’hiver peut nous offrir. Bethany et Danielle vous proposeront cinq activités différentes qu’on peut faire à la maison pendant les vacances avec un minimum de matériel ou de préparation. Les activités privilégient cinq types d’habiletés : motricité fine, motricité globale, habiletés sensorielles, habiletés d’apaisement et de pleine conscience, et habiletés socio-émotionnelles. Ce webinaire convient aux enfants de tous âges.

Nous espérons que ces recommandations vous donneront quelques pistes d’activités amusantes à essayer avec votre famille.

Déni de responsabilité : Les opinions exprimées dans ce webinaire sont celles des conférenciers et des présentateurs et ne reflètent pas nécessairement les points de vue d’Autisme Ontario. Prenez note qu'Autisme Ontario ne donne son appui à aucun produit, thérapie, traitement, stratégie, opinion, service ou individu en particulier. Nous appuyons cependant votre droit à l'information. À nos yeux, il est très important que vous fassiez vos propres recherches afin de prendre vous-même des décisions éclairées.
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