🛡️ How C-RAM Furiously Thwarts Attacks

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Have you heard of the C-RAM point defense system used by the United States? It is a lightning-quick Gatling gun with cutting-edge radar technology, and we have the scoop on how it works. Watch this video to find out more.

🎬 Key Points:

📌 C-RAM is a ground-based weapon system designed to intercept and destroy rockets, artillery, and mortars before they reach their targets.

📌 It uses a radar system to detect incoming threats and a Gatling gun to fire projectiles at them.

📌 C-RAM uses high-explosive incendiary tracer rounds that self-destruct to minimize collateral damage.

📌 C-RAM was first deployed in 2010 to protect the US embassy in Baghdad, Iraq.

📌 The US is working with NATO allies to develop a standardized C-RAM system.

📌 In the future, directed energy weapons may replace C-RAM systems.


🛡️ How C-RAM Furiously Thwarts Attacks

🎥 Video Chapters:

0:00 - Introduction
0:10 - C-RAM system components
1:24 - Origins of C-RAM
2:14 - C-RAM vs SeaWiz
3:10 - C-RAM in action
3:47 - Future of C-RAM


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At Interesting Engineering, our mission is to use storytelling to uncover the inner workings of the latest scientific breakthroughs, technological innovations, cultural phenomena, and more. We don’t just bring you breaking news. We uncover the mechanisms that make these developments possible, transforming how you see the world of today to ensure you’re prepared for the world of tomorrow.

#InterestingEgineering #militarytechnology #C-RAM #missiledefense #anti-projectile #Gatlinggun #grounddefense #HELIOS #directedenergy #militaryinnovation #airdefensesystems
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that arma footage at the begining just shows you how shit the AI is at doing anything in that damn game


Its amazing how that arma clip keeps getting into serious videos


Good video, be careful though you have a few Arma 3 (video game) clips in there


Bro nobody says "0.79 inch". It's okay to not use freedom units when nobody uses freedom units. 20mm is 20mm.


I see some footages of the the German MANTIS (the brown weapons), also a defense weapon but shoots a completely different projectile! these are no C-RAM's


When i was in Iraq in 07, They had these systems on the major FOB's (forward operating bases) we didn't know call it was called the C-RAM, We called it the "CIWS" which quickly evolved into "Cheezwiz"
And when the alarms went off and it fired we'd yell "GET CRAZY WITH THE CHEEZWIZ" which is a line from the song "Loser" by Beck.


I like how at 0:19 you can see the Radar System of the "MANTIS" Defense system of Germany


Another fun fact is the tracking radar housed inside the system itself is so good it tracks the individual rounds being spat out and corrects the angle of fire to get the rounds on target.


I got back from Iraq like a month ago, we got attacked a couple of times and got to see these in action, honestly one of the most beautiful and terrifying things to look up and see red beams shooting up into the air with that Klaxon wail filling up the night sky; then you remember what ever they are shooting at could possibly come down on you


Skynet's gonna love this one. I'll share it with my ascended computerized overlord.


That can't be true that it was field tested in 2010 because when I was in the British forces operating in Iraq back in 2008 that weapon system was mounted around the base. It defended the base at least once a week from mostly RPG attacks and it had a hit rate of about 75%


4:25 wow a laser makes light travel at the speed of light? Totally unbelievable wow


Worked on CIWS for years along with other Firecontrol systems on 3 destroyers in my 20 plus years of USN service.


The problem with laser/energy defense systems is that is can be heavy impacted by rain and weather


As incredible and terrifying as these things really are, I always keep thinking it's wearing a chef's hat and just was rudely interrupted while making a Soufflé.


it's still so funny to me how arma always makes its way into C-RAM videos


"It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead." -Terminator


I like that all the footage is of the thing missing. First day on the job of shooting at things?


Those other ones u are seeing are different, the one with the angles, that sorta look like a tank turret it fires slower but fires a bigger round that explodes near the incoming object destroying it with shrapnel. Its not rate of fire based like the c ram. Britains goalkeeper is also a very good design. Theres also a twin barrel varient that also shoots missiles, thats atm the most potent ciws, the russian one, i forget its name. But its pretty lethal, it fires faster, has 2 barrels and bigger rounds. All the american one has over it is better coding and is more responsive. The phalanx when they worked caus they were known for not working at all for a while when we first had them, but after they did worked they proved to be really quick and twitchy. Im sure the US system has the best internals, tracking and electronics, but its not the biggest puncher of them all.
