Learn to Compost in Less Than 5 Minutes

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Composting may seem difficult if you've never tried it but it can be a very simple way to create some self-sufficiency & sustainability in your garden. If you spend time on one thing in the garden it should be soil health, because it all starts with the soil! This gardening 101 video by Elise Pickett of The Urban Harvest covers some basic composting topics, common questions including what organic compost really means, & shows just how simple it can be (even making hot compost). She also offers an alternative to composting the scraps yourselves by donating them to someone in your area who makes soil.

0:00 Composting Basics
1:07 What Can You Put in Compost Piles?
2:55 What to Cover Compost With
3:32 Drop Off Compost Sites in Florida
4:15 Composting Resources

___________________________________ 🐌 Make Soil Site 🐌 ________________________________
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Compostable Kitchen Scraps Bags
Composting Thermometer

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I just began gardening (complete newbie here!) and also live in Central Florida, so I was very excited to find your videos!!! I was wondering if you could give some detail/tips on how to even BEGIN a compost pile? (how much of veggie sources/brown sources to start with, how long before we should expect it to heat up if we are doing a hot compost, any specific thermometer you recommend?, do you need to water it? What happens if you get a ton of rain- like in Florida summer months, is there an easy printable list you would recommend of what to/not to compost, would you recommend using a special compost bin for a newbie/or for urban setting to help with smell? etc.) So many questions! I love your approach to gardening and would really love to hear any tips you have :)


I noticed you mentioned a garden at Stetson! I just discovered your channel, I live in central Deland and I plan to transform my yard into a garden, looking forward to binge watching your videos to do it right!


Thanks for the great video! Very much appreciated.


Love it! Just waiting (impatiently) on my compost bin from the city.


I was intrigued - why no citrus? Also, are pineapple rinds ok in my garden compost?


I'm so afraid to start a compost outside since I live in PSl and it does get hot, of bugs getting into the compost. You mentioned using mulch, leaves or old compost to cover the left over organic materials we don't use the kitchen. Should I water it the compost after I add more scraps to the compost?


Thanks for your videos which are very helpful. I subscribed to your channel. I started a compost bin many months ago using a plastic container that I drilled full of holes for aeration.
I do have one question — you mentioned that you typically create a big compost pile and add everything to it at once. But I do a lot of home cooking so I have new things to add to the compost pile daily.
Do you keep two separate compost piles? Or what do you do?


Respectfully, I just read somewhere that people put dog poo in compost. I curb my dogs from my gardens and don't practice this. Do you recommend it?


I would love to compost but live in a suburban area and am afraid of rodents. Is this a fallacy or is there a way to compost that eliminates this issue?


I use horse pups with wood dust and coffee grounds from Starbucks for my compost pile / Merritt Island


How do u start a compost. Do u just get some ddirt and put stuff in it .. arnt u soppose to turn it .. do u have a beginner composting video


Can you confirm the website you mentioned? Mixedsoil.org seems to be incorrect.


My composite bin has bugs how do i get rid of them


haha i've leaned the hard way that the bamboo leaves covering my yard will never break down. skip that in a compost pile!!


With such a beautiful garden why buy store produce?


Pre-digested? You mean chicken and cow manure?
