SSTC pt. 1 - intro

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Today, let's start another Tesla coil series, this time a Solid State Tesla Coil (SSTC) series. I explain what is a SSTC and a DRSSTC (Double Resonant SSTC) and how it differs from a Spark Gap Tesla Coil (SGTC).

The next episode:

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My guess: the girlfriend has threw an SGTC out of a window after seeing previous video. That's why he's starting a new series with a small, polite coil before finishing the other.


Your cat seems to be really interested in tesla coil design


The entire series of Tesla Coil will be helpful to learn something in this lockdown....🔥🔥💯💯💯


I've built a single transistor SSTC because of its simplicity (I'm a software guy primarily, and electronics are just a hobby), and also because a common ground can be used for all the circuitry. Using mains ground, it's possible to use an oscilloscope for debugging, which is a huge advantage in my opinion. I get OK results, with sparks of 5 to 6 centimeters with an input voltage of just 30V, and I had a blast designing and building the control circuitry.

Of course, the next step is to build a half bridge, and I was going to do that by myself, but I'll rather watch your videos and avoid burning dozens of $ of components. Thanks for the very informative content.


Finally I've been waiting for the sstc series. i love hearing from you.


I love your videos man. As a hobyist in highschool these kind of detailed videos are so helpful compared to all the super simplistic or over complicated circuits online


It's nice to see this series progressing, kind of like the way it would have progressed during the original invention and refinement processes years ago.
Thank you for keeping us entertained.


Thank you for continuing series of Tesla coil episodes with SSTC.


0:06 First time I heard your cat's voice


This will be a great series. Hope you include the current requirement calculations for both the half bridge and capacitive divider.


Let's go!!

I'm stuck with my SSCT. I've used 2 TIP31C in a heat sink with 0, 22 ohm ballast resistor in their collectors and a 47k resistor in the base. It works very well at 30V but it's supose to have a diode and when I put it, the sparks decrease a lot. But without diode I think I blew de transistors.

If I make your design, I promise I will Pateon you!!


So great, this teslacoilbuildvideo's!!! And now one with a halfbridge, it could impossible get more interesting to watch, especially when we don't have to wait very long between the video's this coronatime! I really enjoyed the sgtc and so i get even more exited about this new sstc build!
Wow, i learned so much from this channel and what is coming now is indeed superinteresting ánd usefull knowledge for me and for ány e-interrested person as i learned to value the explaining from that wild diode! Oh man how i look out for this new built i can not describe! So Thanx!


Use huge BJT transistors !
Inject the current going between the secondary and the ground into their bases and use that already amplified signal to drive the primary switching transistors.
Also, you can add some extra-capacitance on the secondary side by making the secondary out of multiple sections, each with a high voltage capacitor in series with a coil.
The high voltage capacitors can sit inside the tube around which the seconary coil is wound.
This will make the secondary less sensitive to the environment capacitance.
You can also add bars of ceramic magnets (magnetite type) because iron oxide is a good insulator yet it passes magnetic fields. This will increase the coupling and the inductance on the secondary.


class can't wait to see it up and running. like the last one. : ) and an IGBT comparison sounds deadly. can't wait.


Almost finished with my spark gap Tesla coil. It’s the largest one I’ve ever built based on a neon sign transformer. This would be a fun next project!


Hold onto your hats people. This is going to be a most interesting project.


Oh yes I ve been waiting for something like this for years.


I was going to request just this series but you beat me to it. I am excited to watch them. Thanks!


I love that cat who always wanted some attention 🙂


I'm making a tesla coil from a year now with no success, i got the slayer exciter to work but i was not happy with it. Now this might be able to help me on my venture.
