ClickMagick: What Is a Tracking Pixel and How to Set It Up (On ClickFunnels)

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If you are interested in a click tracking course specific to ClickMagick, check out my updated course on my website:

If you want to try out ClickMagick or learn more, feel free to check out their free 14-day trial with my link:

What is a tracking pixel?: 0:11

How it can benefit you: 0:51

How to set it up: 1:43

Testing our pixel setup: 3:52

How to setup pixels on other pages: 5:13

Hello everyone!

In this video on ClickMagick, I tell what a tracking pixel is, how it benefits you, and how to set it up on ClickFunnels.

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So what is a tracking pixel?

Well, a pixel is a tiny itsy-bitsy 1x1 transparent point on any webpage. Whenever you input a certain tracking pixel on a page and someone goes on that page, our tracking pixel will 'fire up' and let us know that this page has been reached.

Why is this important?

Well because usually, the only way someone can go past a sales page or a landing page is if they provide you some information, such as name, email, etc... or actually pay. So by providing that and landing on your thank you or thank you sales page (click here to see how I created my landing page or click here to see how I made my thank you page using ClickFunnels), the pixel fires up and tells you that this person has successfully subscribed to you or bought something!

This helps us because if we know how far each of our customers goes in our funnel, we can determine what our strength(s) and weakness(es) is (are) in that funnel.

If for example, our landing page conversion rate is 100%, that means that 100% of the people who visit your page also subscribe. Amazing results!!

If the rate is 1% or lower however, then that means that only 1 out of 100 people subscribe to you or provide their information. This could mean that we need to make some adjustments to our landing page since so many people are simply leaving our page.

We can apply this pixel to see who goes through our first landing page, then decides to learn more about the product by going to the sales pages, and finally by actually purchasing the product.

So let's get into it.

1) Log into your ClickMagick account and click on the 'links' tab.

2) To the right of the campaign you want to track, click on the gear icon and select 'track conversions'.

3) Scroll down to where ClickMagick provides you with action, engagement, and sales pixels.

So now we have come to the pixels provided to us by ClickMagick.

What we have to do now is simply insert these pixels into the header (or footer if it screws up your ClickFunnels page) tracking code of your page. So if I want to track how many people subscribed on my main landing page, I will put in the 'action pixel' on the page following my landing page - my thank you page.

You continue the process by setting the engagement pixel and then the sales pixel on the page FOLLOWING the page of which results you want to track.

If you are an affiliate marketer, unfortunately the sales and order pages will not be under your control - so you may have to message the vendors of the products you are marketing and ask them to paste the tracking pixel provided to you by ClickMagick onto their pages.

After we input everything in, we should be able to see what percentage of visitors to your site end up buying. You should fix and perhaps test further the landing pages in whatever percentage conversion seems low - either action, engagement, or sales.

As you can see, I was the only person who clicked on my own landing page, so that so far, 100% of the people who clicked that link signed up (I signed up to demonstrate).

That is all folks! Now you know how you can benefit from tracking pixels and how to set them up!

If you like ClickFunnels and want to learn more, feel free to check them out as well for free for 14 days under my affiliate link:

Thanks for watching and see you in the next video!
Рекомендации по теме

Really thankful as I got stuck with something really small but critical. Your tutorial was helpful to get it sorted.


what if you don't use click funnels to build your funnels I use elementor to build my funnel my landing page and thank you page, where do I place the tracking pixel on the landing page on a page build in elementor


Hey guys, feel free to ask any questions you may have here!


Hey as I am an affiliate and promoting Maxbounty CPA offer and also using ClickMagick for tracking please in detail tell me where I have to put conversion pixel to tell facebook when user converts.


If I choose to track my audience through ClickMagic instead of Facebook's Pixel, can I create a custom audience in the Facebook system from an audience I collected with ClickMagic?


Hey Evaan !!

You are Amazing Mentor Man!!

whats the Use Of Tracking Code
and why you Should always Paste it on Footer Side ??


For sales Page Which Pixel Code must Be pasted ??
is it Engagement ?

Why cant we use same action ?


hi ivan you have a great videos here. pixels are something that I yet don't understand. let say that we have funnels composed of 5 pages: fb ad page, optin page, thankyou page, oto page, and sales page. do and can we put pixels on all this pages? and what type of pixels I ned to put between three different types of pixels on every of this pages? (three type of pixels I mean between action, engagement and sales pixel). obviously on sales page will be sales pixel. than thank you page will be action pixels. and other pages????


can i have just 1 tracking pixel on the thank you page, but actually have multiple tracking links for the opt in page? like if i have a cap page, but i have tracking links that go to that same cap page. i use different ones bc some traffic will come from facebook. but both cap pages point to the same thank you page that has the 1 pixel on it. how will clickmagick no if an "action" is attributed to the youtube link vs the facebook link because its possible to have people hitting both tracking links simultaneously.


site ClickMagick is shut down ! (not working)


thanks fer not being a showman and trying to sell shit, thank you great advice.


i still dont understand something.. i need to have an email list so ican send them my link that i want to promote, right? so how do i integrate the email list to that link?? thanks


Can you have two separate pixel tracking codes on one page? For instance can I have my facebook pixel set up throughout my funnel say in the header and have my clickmagick tracking pixel in the footer on the same page? The facebook pixel would be to create custom audiences later based on the info from the fb pixel and the clickmagick pixel would be to have all the tracking in one location if that makes sense?


Hi Ivan, I am an affiliate in sales and I want to track 2 links. The conversion of a client who watches the webinar & decides to move forward (buy) & the conversion of a client who buy from my direct sales page ( link) both I have no control or idea if they move forward.


Hi, Roni, I appreciate you taking the time to share your tips, just wondering if you have any insight to tracking through YouTube, let me explain, I find driving traffic from Instagram Profile URL, Tweets and Facebook Posts to YouTube videos, visitors who watch 5 or 6 videos then click the link in my description to my landing page then signup, I'm having trouble tracking what social link clicked through to YouTube as Engagement and what YouTube video description url got the email signup. I can track both separately, but not as E and A and tie it to one row, is that possible. big ask, and I do appreciate info you can give me.


Your video is very easy and simple. But when I applied the action pixel in my thank you page which is right after opt-in page just like your page location in your video, it doesn't work for me. I am using Thrive Architect builder in WordPress. There is an option of adding Custom HTML in this builder. So I added and tried in Header and Footer both, nothing worked for me and Action counter remains ZERO. Do you have any idea, what is stopping it to work! Thanks.


hi buddy when you click tracking conversion in click magick the interface is totally new can you please make video on how to generate tracking pixel using new options


I like this vedio... Can we put facebook Pixcels into ClickMagic ? If yes, Please made a vedio on that one also.


Hey Ivan, How are you?

I need to know how can I determine my (CPC) traffic cost while using sales pixel? Since I'll be running a test campaign and have no idea how much it would cost. Can I leave it blank to check what CPC will be exactly?


If I used cloudfare to add my domain name to clickfunnels where do I add link to clickfunnels because I cant add it to godady since I use cloudfare and the nameserver?
