JobBoardGeek #35 | Is video worth a thousand job postings?

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JobBoardGeek is the podcast about the business of connecting candidates and employers. Join our hosts Steven Rothberg, Founder and Chief Visionary Officer of College Recruiter, and Jeff Dickey-Chasins aka the Job Board Doctor, along with this week’s guest Brian Forrester of Lumina.

Jeff kicks off the episode by discussing the formal complaint that Jobindex filed against Google for abusing its dominant position. Jeff thinks it’s interesting because typically job boards see a 15-30% traffic lift when they change their jobs to fit the Google schema. But, in this case the large aggregator, Jobindex, is losing traffic as the smaller job boards are gaining it. Because of this, Jeff thinks it's likely that Google will get fined again. Steven jokes that any fines Google has to pay is merely pocket change and if the EU wants to make Google change its business practice, the fines need to be exponentially higher.

Brian joins our hosts to talk about Lumina, and the bridge-like role it plays in job boards and the recruitment industry. Lumina uses technology to convert text only job postings into multi-sensory experiences. Brian delves into some of the secrets of his success and how his company is going about turning traditional job postings into something new and exciting.

Brian explains how Lumina helps job boards stand out from competition, stay relevant, and have an additional way to gain extra revenue. He goes on to share where some of the new growth for his business is coming from and the challenges that goes into converting job listings in over 30 languages and in a dozen different countries.

Tune in to hear the full episode!

Episodes of JobBoardGeek can be found here, on College Recruiter's website:

or here on Job Board Doctor's website:

Watch the previous episode of JobBoardGeek here:
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