How I went from C to A* in ECONOMICS A level | tips no one told me

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How did I score A* for Economics A Level?
Whoever told you that Economics was easy lied to you……. I fell for that lie too 😢
In this video, I share 9 study tips that helped me go from C to A* in Economics. We talk about how to write a good Economics essay, how to write evaluations and conclusions for your essay, how to organise your work, how to predict what subjects and topics that will come out, how to prepare for MCQ questions (Paper 1 and Paper 3), a BONUS TIP and how to easily draw graphs accurately.
These are study tips that personally helped me, so I hope that they help you too because Economics is a challenging subject.
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🔵T I M E S T A M P S
0:00 Intro
0:28 Content
0:45 How to write a good essay | Economics A Level
1:02 TIP 1: How to write and prepare definitions for introductions | Economics Essay
2:35 When to write definitions | Economics Essay
3:02 TIP 2: How to write evaluation | Economics Essay
3:46 TIP 3: How to write the conclusion | Economics Essay
5:14 TIP 4: How to organise your work for Paper 2 and Paper 4
5:48 TIP 5: How to predict what ESSAYS will come out
6:42 TIP 6: How to predict what TOPICS will come out
7:34 TIP 7: How to prepare for MCQ (Paper 1 and Paper 3)
9:15 TIP 9: How to accurately draw graphs in your essay
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[🌟 = highly recommend]
Ring Binders used for my notes 🌟
Bluetooth Keyboard and Mouse 🌟
iPad Case (protects iPad and Apple Pencil) 🌟
ipad Bag (same as mine but MUCH cheaper) 🌟
IPad Stand
Laptop Stand (mine is rose gold) 🌟
Laptop Case
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Name: Faye
Age: 19
Nationality: Malaysian
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#studytips #economicsalevel #alevel
How to score A* for Economics A Level
A Level results reaction
Economics A Level
A Level economics
A Level economics Essay
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Study tips