Fired for “no reason?”

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I did this. I complained in an email about my work violating minor labor laws. After the 2nd email stating it was still happening. I was terminated on the next day I came in. BUT NO LAWYER WILL TAKE THE CASE, even tho they say I probably have one.


Better advice do your complaints via email and cc everything to your personal account because if it’s paper they can just shred it and say they never got it


Also illegal.
Constructive dismissal: when an employer willfully creates a hostile or difficult work environment to induce an employee into quiting their job.


It's legal. I've fired people that I didn't like. Move on. Find another job. You have no recourse.


Question: I am in MT the only state i know of not being an at-will state so what's different? I tried googling it and am still unsure


So what you are saying if you're not good at your job and you don't want to get fired you should make a complaint in writing


I have a crazy situation. I am a administrator assistant. I have never been in trouble or told I am doing anything wrong. Well Monday a coworker wanted to file a workmen’s comp claim for being hurt on the job. I sadly was the only witness but all I know is she told me she thinks she hurt it while helping a resident in our facility. My bosses threatened me that if I was lying about my statement I would be fired. I told them I only know of what she said, that she thinks she bruised a rib and it hurts to breath. I also told my bosses that I can’t say she got hurt because I didn’t see anything I just know what she told me so I honestly know very little. Well 2 days later they are trying to replace me from my position with no knowledge and even did the interview in secret. I am not sure what to do because they now keep offering me different positions that I never ever wanted and keep telling me, “it’s my choice to stay in my current job or I can take the offers as well”. If they said I CAN KEEP MY JOB but then for me for not taking the offers plus it feels like a retaliation situation what can I do?


Yup i sent emails and saved their responses


What if, instead of firing you, they just don’t put you on the schedule anymore? I had a job do that when I lived in NY. I had just filed a SH case and so was protected from retaliation at the time.


Maryland has a very good wage collection statute, but unfortunately there is no anti-retaliation private remedy. Local activists tried to get one written into the code without success. Of course the FLSA applies everywhere.


I live in Idaho and just got fired after I returned my medical release after a heart attack. It's an at will state but is this lawful or so I have a right to sue them.


I was denied several jobs due to my chronic disease called Gastroparesis. I require to be kept cool no hotter than 72°F and because the nature of my disease I use medical Marijuana I am also sick quite often due to my immune system and since my stomach is partially paralyzed I deal with break through nasua and vomiting I told them there would be times I'd have to leave early or not be able to come in on a moments notice. And even though it's against ADA to discriminate here in Maryland and you can't lose your job for being sick or having a chronic disease or can they use that as an excuse to not hire they still do but they'll use the oh you don't have the skill we need even though you do.


I literally worked for a company for two days, and they terminated me without an explanation. I hurt my neck outside of work and couldn't get out of bed, so I had to miss work, I called them and sent my boss a text saying that I couldn't make it in, later that day they terminated me... I feel like something fishy is going on because when I asked why, they said "it's coming from the higher ups"


Montana is the only non at-will state in the US. No one in Montana is an at-will employee, so employers can’t just fire you at all for no reasons. Although, “at-will” these days still requires a good reason.


We live in a at will state and I love it!


*Every US state* has adopted "at will" employment.


I love these videos. As a Texan, what I'm learning most is the kind of over-regulation in Californua law that's tanking businesses. You can defend what you consider to be fair all you want, but how are all of those extra regulations working for you? Our economy is growing, while Cali's is shrinking.
