Why The SMB Market Is Better For Startups Than Enterprise Software

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Your software company has a good chance of turning into an enterprise software company if you’re not careful.

And when that happens, you’ll have a few large customers influencing your product roadmap, making it more difficult to build the business that you want.

And even worse, once you start serving a few large companies, it’s almost impossible to turn back and start serving small and medium businesses again.

At HubSpot we call it reverse gravity, and here’s how we resisted it.
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Your graphics/animation person does a great job!


Great insight. Thanks for posting! Enterprise offerings become too specifically serviced and hard to track over time. While, focussing on a larger SMB market helps to take advantage of product analytics and find common problems, solutions and customizations in a productized way.


I'd say also in terms of volume, there are a lot more SMBs than enterprise level companies.... I run an SMB and we do focus on leveraging SaaS, I think a lot of people that get into business, even if its at a smaller scale... understand and want to leverage as much tech as possible.... great insights 👌


Your content is so easy-to-consume and relevant. Thank you!
