Outfitting 'immersion' [Elite Dangerous]

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Being sick and tired of WASTING TIME, i made this!

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Day 1: wow those animations look cool!
Day 2: man I still love these animations
Day 7: could you plz hurry up already?
Day 14: *googles how to skip weapon animation*
Day 30: and whilst you unequip I will make a sandwich with the hair I’ve pulled out of my head


Well, FDev do seem receptive to requests for toggle options (like for orbit lines, the HUD clock, GUI graphic FX...) so perhaps we can ask them if they can implement an outfitting option that says "TOGGLE OUTFITTING ANIMATIONS ON/OFF"?

I mean, those weapons animations _are_ cool, there's no denying it...but perhaps _not_ so cool when you're in a hurry or have seen them all hundreds of times. So it would be nice to be able to have our hardpoint cake _and_ eat it so we can go "Oh, I'm turning the animations back on again today cos I want to see that HUGE hardpoint slide s-l-o-w-l-y into place, phwooarr....!!" as well as the option to go "Nah, I'm not in the mood today, I have a headache and I don't want to see all that hardpoint action"



Ill explain. Every time you remove a weapon the ship needs to be re-polished. Thats the secret to keeping that shining on. Its a fact that chrome and gold paintjobs takes longer. Come on fdev, skip the whole elevator sequence before accessing outfitting and the weapon animations too, or leave both in the background. Its like a loading screen, except it makes no sense.


The animation for removing a module should work on a background thread which will enable the player to move onto the next module


What's the rush, they're just thinking ahead for when space legs get released and every interaction with your ship will have an immersion timer leaving you with the options to just sit and wait or doing a community goal on the space station. Yep delivering pizza missions will be a thing and you'll be hoping to get frozen for a thousand years so you could live in a far more exciting future. Then again it might take a thousand years until they get around to releasing space legs.


Remember that stupid panel in front of your ship you had to wait to drop when taking off? They fixed that thankfully because that was MADDENING!


nice touch "drops mic" at end...I'm so glad we have a Yamiks in the community to voice what so many surely feel, to have balanced constructive criticism and feedback can surely only help further development and enjoyment of gameplay. FDev's see past any tones of sarcasm and cynicism and see it as constructive critical feedback - the amount of time taken to do these fittings can be one sitting for some players who don't have the luxury of sitting for hours each day (workers etc.) good video again Yamiks :)


Friend: "Wow you have 900 hours in Elite Dangerous?!? It must be awesome!"
Me: "It's okay except accomplishing *anything* takes *f#%&ing* forever!"


Those extra seconds would really save my freetime scedule


Also, i would like for the turret animations to be smoother.
They go by a step-by-step progress, yet many steps could happen at the same time (not all of course).
Like retracting the barrel and rotate the gun in resting position. Combining thses steps to one would both smoothen the process and speed up the animation.


It could be because in the future... they were considering makeing sure that a ship has a bounty (if they do that} would have to be checked to see if you are removeing items from a wanted ship. but i have no idea why they currently do it.


There's no reason to not make it so that the animation plays in the background while you do your thing.
It's the same as the old exploration problem where it took ages to turn in your data because it searched through the entire galaxy database.
Back then I called them out on their claim of "we can't make it faster" by suggesting that they just put scanned system in a different table so they only had to scan those for "first discoveries". (though I wasn't very polite in how I said it) They implemented this and how it's a lot faster.
Moral of the story: They just don't really think ahead enough.

To be fair: The fact that FDev takes shortcuts throughout their programming and implements everything as basic as they can is probably also the reason why Elite is a playable game whereas SC is not.
Hopefully if we hammer the point across enough they'll realize that we actually are annoyed by something they can easily change.


I would have to say that when I begin this game on Xbox I thought the waiting for hardpoints to be retracted before you do anything else was a limitation on the consoles "limitation".
But then going onto PC I thought it was a bit misunderstood why it would take so long to do so when the station that you land at would take so long to figure out what modules you would like to equip next.
In whole I agree with that this process is not needed to watch each hardpoints to to be retracted when the do this when you enter and exit the outfitting screen.


Couldn't agree more, I'm not in a hurry or anything. But once you have seen it several times it just gets boring.


Well, actually. The lock up times were because there were many errors with the server when you equip and unequip modules fast, I've had many issues as the server can't keep up.
Same goes with the missions, I think they made that lock up as a mask for the server to validate the transaction!

That's from my early elite memory, safe to say, since they implemented the lock up, it never happened again.

As for the storing and selling., I'm not sure how it works.


This doesnt upset the kickstarter backers so you're stuck with it forever. :)


The other problem I have is with how long it takes to get into the outfitting bay, do we really have to spin the ship around and use an elevator to get inside the station? looks cool the first few times but man is it annoying after the 10th time....


Yea I never understood how you can Dock, unload 400 Tons of cargo, load 400 tons of cargo and take off in literally 30 seconds if your Quick, but if you sell and buy a New Set of Guns for an anaconda for example, you have to watch over a Minute of Animations!


The solution is to creat loadouts for the ships...in my opinion!


Well, okay then. :O)
I agree, btw. All "immersion" videos should immediately cancel when you tab away. But I like that they're there, though, if you have some sick desire to say a long good-bye to that rail gun you were committed to for the past few hours, days, weeks.
