Restoring Rusted Vintage Files

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G'day everyone,

I have been meaning to restore these files for quite some time. They rusted up in the old workshop a very long time ago. The old workshop was an open shed, and I had quite a few humidity issues. These files have varying amount of rust, but there are still some very good tools beneath it.

These files date from the 80's to 90's, and these vintage Australian made tools are good quality. To restore them I will use electrolysis rust removal using a 12v DC battery charger and a solution of sodium carbonate. I will also sharped the files using an etching solution of vinegar.

I will finally make some new handles using Tassie Oak on the lathe.

I hope you enjoy the video.

Lathe: Sieg c3 7x14 mini lathe
Mill: Sieg X2.7l

Restoring Metal Files
Electrolysis Rust Removal

0:00 - Intro
1:00 - Cleaning The File Teeth
2:02 - Electrolysis Rust Removal
4:33 - Sharpening The Teeth In Acid
6:43 - Making Some Handles On The Lathe
9:29 - Assembly And Conclusion

#DIY #machining #restoration
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I find broken chairs roadside with nicely turned spindles and legs, I cut those up for use as file handles and take the credit for the professional looks. ☺


I was repairing/cleaning a few files a while ago, they had lots of aluminium in the teeth. I had no chemicals/vinegar but stumbled on a guy that had the best way I have ever seen. Take a copper pipe, cut it on one side and flatten it out so it looks like a spatula - the tube is like a handle and the part you cut is akin to a blade. Then push the blade part along the same direction as the teeth and it cleans the file perfectly. It took an hour or so to clean four or five files, but they were all perfectly clean and no ali/rust/dirty or grease could be seen. A nice cheap and easy method to save your files.


Many years ago an older machinist shared with me his secret for cleaning files. It is this: flatten the end of a 3/8 or 1/2 inch diameter copper tubing about 1/2 inch back; bend the other end up and over the flat portion to form part of a c-shape to act as a gripping surface. Rub the flattened end across and inline with the teeth of the file. This will quickly form groves in the copper which will fit nicely into the groves of the file cleaning out any debris lodged in there. Do this for the entire length of the file on both sides. This process can be repeated as needed. I, instead of the c-shape for a handle, found that the end could be inserted into a file handle which made it much more comfortable to use. Files rarely get dull. They just get clogged.


Most people would just throw out those old files. I love how you spent the time to bring them back to life! A file is the most basic and important way of removing material. Once you understand and embrace the file you can become a machinist.


I was a sawfiler for 33 years and accumulated a large number of files destined for the trash. Some are obviously worn beyond repair but many have the new gone but are worth some time as new files in hardware stores cost enough to warrant time with my free supply. I'll try this method.
Thanks .


ive got this tip from Larry Potterfield from Midway usa, before filing to scrape with a blackboard chalk over the file, after using it on the iron you tap the file out on the workbench to release the iron shavings


A brass brush on a drill is ok for me .thanks for the vid, very simple and efficient electrolysis


Very good work, I like your video, when I have to restore my files I first wash them in a bath of caustic soda, (Sodium Hydroxide solution) for about one hour and after brushing I resharpen them in a hot bath (about 60°C) of sulphuric acid with a 10% of nitric acid eluted with about 50% of water, it works much faster and it takes out also all the rust.


When fitting your handles, if you heat the tip of the file tang, 1/4" or so, to red heat, then push the handle onto the hot tang with the file held in soft jaws in the vice, the hot tip will burn the shape of the tang into the wood resulting in a better fitting handle without the possibility of splitting the wood. Makes lots of smoke so best done with doors open.
Otherwise a very informative video. I've got a pile of files that could stand some of that treatment.
Merry Christmas to one and all.


I tend to use either dilute sulphuric acid (or sodium-hydrogen sulphate from the pool shop) with reversed electrolysis for the sharpening step. It's way faster than vinegar or citric, although you can over do it and dissolve the teeth right off. About 30 minutes only and wet wire brush. No bubbles allowed. Then wash and neutralise with washing soda solution.

I use lemon wood for the handles. And I like your copper pipe off cuts as ferrules, very quick and easy.


I restored some super rusty files and rasps I bought from a hardware store in a scrap bucket. Used Naval jelly. Worked great.


Use a flattened piece of copper pipe and run it with with the teeth of the file. The copper pipe will get little teeth that will push the gunk out from between the files teeth. It's a great way to get alloy out of the files teeth and u can work a much larger area than with a scalpel. Then I soak overnight in vinegar and then neutralise it in a bath of bi carb and water


Succinct, informative and occasionally entertaining. Love your vids bro!
When I’m watching them l’ve almost convinced myself I’m actually doing the projects. So much so that I’ve watched about 20 of your vids and haven’t made anything or implemented any of your great insights.
Today I’m breaking the cycle…
Off to the workshop with no real plan, just gonna start.
Cheers for the inspiration 👍


My preference is to use citric acid powder as it is a little faster than vinegar and cheaper when bought in bulk. I also found that dousing parts in an alkaline degreaser (purple power, super clean, etc) both neutralizes the acid and prevents flash rust.


Thoroughly nice little video. Plenty to learn, with a good dose of common sense.
Thank you for sharing your handy tips.
Greetings fro France.


I just pulled a few old files out of a vinegar bath this morning! Also, hacksaw!


I use a tall plastic kitchen waste bin and suspend the files separately from a steel rod that sits across the rim of the bin which is itself, connected to the negative of the battery charger. Old knackered files and rasps are great for the sacrificial electrodes, which are also suspended from a common bar. A greater surface area speeds up the job. It always pays to first clean the file with a wire brush and some good de-greaser - it really speeds up the electrolysis. I use brass suede brushes instead of file cards, as the wire is thinner and gets right down to the roots of the teeth


To clean the teeth of the files get a piece of half inch copper pipe and flatten the end in the vice. Clamp the file in the vice with the working surface that you want to clean facing up. Put the longer flat end of the copper tube perpendicular to the file teeth and rub the copper tube back and forth until the end develops serration that match the files teeth, now you have a tool that can get right into the valleys of the teeth and you can remove all of the gunk that has clogged up you file, then finish with a file card.


Great video! Files are such an important yet abused tool. It took years for me to get into the habit of always using a file card and it goes a long way in keeping them clean.


I didn't actually know you could re-sharpen files, I may have to have a go at this as a lot of mine are going blunt!
