I've Never LOVED An iPhone Case More

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$120 for two tiny pieces of metal and rubber which cost $10 max to make, now that is a cash grab like no other


The downside is your iPhone can only drop on a FLAT surface for it to be protected. If the surface is not FLAT, you are screwed. If you are hiking and drop it on a rock, you are screwed. Way too minimal for me.


The case is minimalist but the price is maximalist.


It's like a g-string instead of an armor for your phone.


The case doesn’t work with the battery pack, MagSafe duo, Belkin car mount, or the wallets. I wish that was mentioned in this video since I bought the case because of the video and now I’ll be returning it since it’s not compatible with any of my MagSafe accessories other than the standard circle puck charger. In all fairness on their website under the “FAQ” it says it works with the puck charger but not all MagSafe accessories.


I'll just glue an eraser to the phone and market it as a “minimal design”, I'll send you the link so you can purchase it.


It’s the grip I’ll be missing. The concept is cool, price is crazy, but I would miss the grip of a full case.


Just ordered one of these for my iPhone. I will keep my full cases for outdoor activities, plus I get bored of the same case over and over. Great to have this option!


A case by definition is supposed to Incase an object, keeping enclosed and contained. What you have on your phone is by best an iPhone bikini, one that is too sexy for family friendly beaches lol


I‘ve always waited for something like this. Something that doesn’t take away from the original intention of the design and feel in your hand but also makes it a little less easy to slip out of your hand and use/put down on a desk. It’s the best of both worlds.


Couple of questions about the Arc Pulse case. 1. Can you fit the Apple MagSafe wallet on the back of the iPhone 14 Pro Max or is the bottom to thick? 2. Do you know if this interferes with wireless charging on large wireless charging pads? It seems that this design will prevent the large wireless charging pad from making contact. If these are not issues, I would definitely purchase.


I live in Japan and picked up something like this for my iPad mini about 7 years ago and I love it. In fact, the only reason I haven’t upgraded to the newest iPad mini is because the company who made this minimalist rubber protector hasn’t designed a new one for the newest mini yet. I’ll have to check out this company and see if they offer this design for an iPad mini. Domo arigato.


€129, 00 euro incl shipping 😱 And that’s exclusive the 21% VAT for Holland. Making it a grand total of € 156, 09 euro 🤣🤣🤣


Not enough shock absorption so you will shatter the glass if you drop it. Usually with cases the shock is absorbed by the back material, not the bumps. Bumps just protect the dents. If I buy this I’ll just use the top or bottom part.


I wish this video was here when I bought this case! The fact that I took the risk to getting a case from a small company that costs 100 bucks, was scary but holy crap when I got the case and popped it on omg I fell in love with it immediately, it’s everything I’ve been looking for, I needed the minimal look but protection for certain moments (if I dropped it which I rarely do).

Overall look, the case amazing, but people ask, what about the sides? And I have two responses to that

1. I’ve had this case for over 5 months now and not once did my phone break with this case (AT ALL!) and I’ve had maybe one or scary falls. Hahahaa

2. You mainly drop the phone case on a flat terrain, that mean like a concrete side walk or on the street. Which in those cases trust me it will definitely cover you!

I understand people’s fear about it but in reality most of us go on with our days in the city or town with (paved) areas. Though I will say if you are in the county and your environment is rocky, then yes I’d recommend getting one that will be more heavy duty.

But this case will protect you in any flat ground situations. It really does.

It’s the only case where I feel as if my money is actually converted into quality, I mean think of it go to Best Buy and want a decent case it will cost you after tax like 60 bucks! Not lie I used to work at Best Buy!!!

I know I’ve said quite a bit now but I’m happy that my case is tintanium grade and not some cheap plastic flipped for 5x times the cost to maximize profit 🙄

That’s all I have to say! Hahaha


I love this guy's reviews, I'm in tech for work, Apple reseller and occasionally clients ask for suggestions, some of these products are through the mfr only and they're often small run operations so it's not easy to process bulk purchases. We can buy from Amazon but even they have limits. Still on the consumer side this is my favorite Apple Youtuber.


I used to use the Apple leather cases but a few years ago, I thought that I'd try going with no case on my original iPhone X. I honestly don't know if I could go back to using a case again. I love how thin it is without a case, and how easily it slides in and out of my pocket.


I think Quadlock is an awesome case but even more so, it’s an ecosystem that allows me to use my iPhone in various conditions, in car, on JetSki, on Bike, at home, and it adds great protection


I love the minimalist look as well, but not sure if I would take a risk. This is something I would consider if the iPhone 15 Pro comes with a titanium finish and slightly curved edges as rumored.


This would be a perfect case with a dbrand skin on the phone as well
