Sean Griffin@KingdomInContext Vs Rick Caldwell@CaldwellApologetics: The Son & Father, Same Essence?

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It is amazing how much heresy is on the internet. Never before has such a plethora of horrible teachings been so easily disseminated.


I never like a debate by Sean on someone else channel until the debate is over but I really like these two guys and its a real shame the comment section was as vile as it was. It did not reflect the dignity of Sean, Marlin or Rick thats for sure. Well done. Subbed.


One person continually quoted from the Bible and one person continually quoted from things outside the Bible..


It’s crazy how they reduce Jesus to just a man that was somehow able to be perfect in keeping Gods commandments. So Jesus is just the ultra human being that he was able to walk in perfect obedience, while the rest of us human failed. Basically he was just simply a better man that the rest of us


I am very grateful for the platform you provide for people to debate this vitality important topics


Peace and blessings y’all, thanks Marlon.


God is a fellowship in Himself. And we get invited into that fellowship


YHWH, the Most High God, planned and
prophesied for Himself to send Himself to Earth as his own Son: agreeing with Himself, He volunteered Himself to His self to offer Himself in obedience to His self.
Then He impregnated a woman with Himself, in order to become His Son - who was really just Himself - who prayed to Himself and begged Himself not to let this happen to Himself, before finally forsaking Himself and obeying Himself unto death to prove His loyalty to Himself. While dead, He resurrected Himself so that He could return to Himself to sit at His own right hand, and to serve as a mediator between mankind and Himself. With Satan's forces defeated, in the end, He turns His kingdom back over to Himself, ruling alongside His self forever.


This makes me realize that if Rick believes Jesus was God and could not sin while in the flesh, how then was he even an example to us. Well if he was God, of course he didn't sin, of course he could die, so how is that to be helpful to mankind? Then Rick agreed James 1 said God cannot be tempted by evil yet Jesus was ... this video makes me realize by scripture that Jesus is NOT God but is His only begotten Son... His Son, not Himself


I've heard the accusation of "neo-Platonism" or "Platonic" coming from false teachers a lot lately. Warren McGrew uses it, Kevin Thompson has used it, and now Sean Griffin. Could someone explain to me what they mean by that?


1:09:35 God can't be tempted by evil means that He can't DESIRE to do evil. There is no internal thing within God saying "Do it. Give in to sin." Jesus was tempted externally but He didn't DESIRE to do evil. There was nothing within Jesus saying "Do it. Give in to sin." So, James 1 cannot be used to try to disprove that Jesus is Almighty God.


@59:05 Jerry draws first blood - "Was he innately righteous?"

Sean "No"

Done and over - Christ was not righteous as the Son of God, so he was able to sin, and not holy until he kept the law till death, so essentially he walked the earth as an unrighteous man! WOW


He is the exact representation of his glory and nature yes. First, that means he's a representation not the Father himself. He represents the Father's glory and nature. What is that nature? How does scriptures define that nature? In what verses can we find said nature defined for us? Did he really argue Jesus sinned by breaking the Sabbath while arguing he's the exact representation of God. God is not a sinner and his laws are his moral character. Isn't the argument that Jesus was born from a women under the law to rescue those under the condemnation of the law. Oops. Guess he forgot about that. You can't argue Jesus is the exact representation of God while also arguing he broke the sabbath thus making him a sinner. If he's a sinner he's disqualified for his position as Messiah to be able to be raised by God to be the first fruits of the first resurrection so he can call our name's out and poor the Father's Spirit out on us to raise from death in the Father's presence on the day of judgement.


I put this comment up on Seans channel and I was hoping Rick will read it. I looked for his channel but I dont see it posted anywhere.

"If the spiritual world is pure that would mean the angels could not sin. Which I think is wrong because angels were/are able to sin and be in both worlds. They are able to do good or evil as proven with all the fallen angels. So that would mean the spirit world is not pure. We really do not know much about the spirit world to form a correct view of it. Now in Fathers kingdom can we sin? (Is Fathers kingdom a different place within the spirit world? Or is it all one place? Don't really know besides there being 7 levels, does each level have different rules?) I think we mite be able to sin in the spirit world. I think its the new bodies we will receive that can not sin, that can not be corrupted. The body Christ has right now. When we pass into the spirit world we do not receive our new bodies right away, we get them later. I could be wrong but that is my understanding of what is written. So we could sin in our spiritual bodies in the spirit world before we get our new bodies? I think so. We are told these new bodies can not be corrupted so that means they can not sin."

I really dont think the spirit world is made from the same stuff these new bodies are made of. One can be corrupted as proven with the fallen angels, the other can not be corrupted. The spirit world is not pure if the angels can and do sin. Maybe I am misunderstanding what Rick means by pure?!


Did anyone else get commercials during the live?


Sean mentioned that Jesus is only holy because of his obedience but in Luke 1:35 the angel tells Mary that the child given to her is holy because the child is the Son of God.


@ 21:27 it isn’t literal when the text states that He breathed through His nostrils* (correction).This is all figurative language to describe how the world was created. The part that @kingdomincontext didn’t highlight illustrates that this is figurative language. Unless he’s willing to argue that there are actual storehouses at the bottom of the sea holding the depths of water and I guess periodically opening it’s doors when the sea level drops a certain amount; or give other examples of scripture where the writer is jumping back and forth from literal to figurative language within the same thought, then this text is figurative and doesn’t support God having an actual body. Blessings


Not sure they needed anything more than Ricks opening statement..😮🧐🤣


Where is the live chat for this one? I'm now catching the replay


As an agnostic who doesn't have a dog directly in the fight...
The black dude got demolished. It really shows when you are asked very simple, very straightforward questions and you have to keep adding on to your answer.
Watching them argue about James and God being tested was gold.
Dude had to read through it and do the, "he don't tempt people, he don't tempt people" lol while he jumps over the simple point tempting God in the beginning...
Big oof on this one.
