Basic Authentication in Spring Boot RESTful Web Services | Spring Security for RESTful APIs
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In this video, we will explore how to secure a RESTful web service built with Spring Boot using Spring Security, specifically implementing basic authentication.
**Spring Boot** is a powerful framework for building Java applications quickly and easily, and **Spring Security** is a module of the Spring Framework that provides comprehensive security features for your applications.
In this tutorial, we will:
1. **Set Up a Spring Boot Project**: We'll create a Spring Boot project if you haven't already and add the necessary dependencies for Spring Security.
2. **Configure Spring Security**: You'll learn how to configure Spring Security to secure your RESTful web service. We'll set up basic authentication, which requires users to provide a username and password to access protected resources.
3. **Create Secure Endpoints**: We'll define which endpoints should be secured and which should remain public. You'll see how to use annotations to secure specific controller methods.
4. **Testing**: We'll also demonstrate how to test the authentication by sending requests to secured endpoints using tools like Postman or CURL.
5. **Customizing Authentication**: If time allows, we can explore customizing the authentication process, like using a custom UserDetailsService or integrating with a database for user management.
By the end of this video, you'll have a solid understanding of how to secure your Spring Boot RESTful web services with basic authentication using Spring Security. This knowledge will help you protect your APIs and ensure they are accessible only to authorized users.
Basic Authentication in Spring Boot RESTful Web Services | Spring Security for RESTful APIs | Spring Boot + Spring Security - RESTful Web Service with basic Authentication
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