Magnetic Nanoparticles, Conjugation w/ Siderophore Feroxamine & Evaluation l Protocol Preview

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Synthesis of Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles, Their Conjugation with the Siderophore Feroxamine and its Evaluation for Bacteria Detection - a 2 minute Preview of the Experimental Protocol

Diana Martínez-Matamoros, Socorro Castro-García, Gabriela Ojeda Romano, Miguel Balado, Jaime Rodríguez, Manuel L. Lemos, Carlos Jiménez
Universidade da Coruña, Centro de Investigacións Científicas Avanzadas (CICA), Departamento de Química, Facultade de Ciencias; Universidade da Coruña, Centro de Investigacións Científicas Avanzadas (CICA), Unidad de Comunicación y Divulgación; Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Department of Microbiology and Parasitology, Institute of Aquaculture;

This work describes protocols for the preparation of magnetic nanoparticles, its coating with SiO2, followed by its amine functionalization with (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane (APTES) and its conjugation with deferoxamine using a succinyl moiety as a linker. A deep structural characterization description and a capture bacteria assay using Y. enterocolitica for all the intermediate nanoparticles and the final conjugate are also described in detail.

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