Mr robot vulnhub challege full tutorial | #mrrobot #ctf #vulnhub

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The aim in Mr Robot 1

The aim of Mr robot challenge is to CTF the three hidden flags.


Mr Robot 1, Hacking Phases
Finding IP (arp-scan)
Network Scanning (Nmap)
Viewing target Website on web browser
Vuln Analysis (Nikto)
Grab 1st key
WordPress password cracking (wpscan)
Login into WordPress
Generate PHP Backdoor (Msfvenom)
Upload and execute a backdoor
Reverse connection (Metasploit) (Meterpreter)
Get MD5 hash and decrypt it
Import python one-liner for proper TTY shell
Find / perm u=s for Privilege Escalation
Get Root access and capture the flag.


#mrrobot #mrrobotctf
#ctf #vulnhub

Рекомендации по теме

how do you connect to vulnhub or Mr Robot to even get the ip?


i cant find the ip of the mr robot box dont matter what i doing
