Flashback Friday: Prebiotics: Tending Our Inner Garden

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Why does our immune system confuse unhealthy diets with dysbiosis—an overrun of bad bacteria in our colon?

Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Image Credit: ZEISS Microscopy via Flickr.

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The 7-video keto series continues next week. Be sure to subscribe here or at nutritionfacts.org/subscribe so you don't miss any! -NF Team


This channel is like a gift to our health! Thanks.


Hope they enjoyed the sweet potato, beans and salad I just gave them for dinner. 😄


this video was quite interesting and no cliff hanger too!


I’ve been interested in the gut microbiome for over a year now. 4 years ago I had a total colectomy after many years of ulcerative colitis and then colon cancer so I have a permanent ileostomy. In the spring of last year I underwent a second repair to a parastomal hernia and this surgery was followed by a serious post-operative infection. I was on 3 different cocktails of IV antibiotics before they got on top of it, and discharged from hospital with the oral version. A friend introduced me to fermented probiotic foods and I have been making and consuming these ever since (kefir, kombucha, sourdough). It was through this that I first became interested in the gut microbiome and did a lot of my own research into this utterly fascinating subject.

There is always a lot of emphasis on the health of the colon and its billions of microbes, but I cannot find anything about people in my situation. I know that research into the gut microbiome is a relatively new area, and I am part of a minority group but I would love to see some work done on this. When the colon is removed, do the healthy colon bacteria end up in the small intestine? I am in the process of transitioning to a whole-foods plant-based diet because of the tremendous health benefits and also weight loss but I have no colon to benefit from all the extra fibre! I have noticed that my stoma output has increased quite a lot since adopting the new diet, and it can’t be doing me any harm - I am fortunate in being able to eat pretty much anything I like as long as I chew it well - but nobody seems to be able to answer my questions. My own health professionals (colorectal surgeon, stoma nurses) don’t have any training in nutrition, let alone a whole-foods plant-based diet, and the only dietary advice I got was to keep to a low residue (low fibre) diet for the first 6 weeks after my surgery, and then begin to “eat normally.” I really do want to find out more about all this in relation to my own situation.


Can you please list down foods high in fibre? Thank you for this info, now I know how IMPORTANT fibre is.


O dang ! This would explain the lifting of depression.


I love this channel! And in early February 2023, 922K people agree with me. Soon there will be 1 million!


Great info! Thanks for doing the research and re-posting!!


Hey Doctor Gregor. I've recently had a colostomy and wondered about treating the disconnected section and you upload this awesome video.
I would like to know more about this internal bathing like what is used and how it's applied and where could it be obtained from. Thank you .


Simply amazing.
Thank you Doctor Greger!!🥰


Your videos are always so helpful. Thank you so much!!


your like the king solomon of nutrition!


Hi Dr., can you please make a research on dental prebiotics to overcome bad breath? PLEASE. I'm so stress trying to find out what really works. 😥


Can you please share a list of the top 10 fiber rich foods?


When my (now ex) brother-in-law developed Crohn's disease, he was told to go on a low fiber diet, as fiber would irritate his gut. I had already convinced my (then) husband that a high fiber diet was good for you, and he tried to convince his brother to no avail. His brother has since had seven bowl resections and is in poor health. My ex-husband's doctor once told him, that if he had not changed his diet to a high fiber one, he too would have developed Crohn's.


Thank you for your insight. I should increase my veggies even more, as my turmeric and spice saturated cruciferous veggies and leafy greens done in coconut oil really do feel like they palpably reduce inflammation in the colon. Is supplementing with a BHB supplement, as I have tried recently before exercise, also have the same effect? I know it gives me energy.


No wonder colon cancer is rampant in this age.


That's funny I'm listening to how not to die (again!) and i'm at this exact topic right now!


This is a super great one, but from around 4 minutes in to 5, the screen does not change, and a HUGE important thing is explained, that deserves its own series. Nevermind the Keto nonsense, do a whole series on butyrates and the HARM of low fiber diets!! We all know how stupid Keto is. The only explanation for it is that the meat only diets have turned its adherents into meatheads.
