9 Types of Black Roses | Black Rose Varieties

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9 Types of Black Roses | Black Rose Varieties

If you’re a rosarian, you must already know–In reality, no real black rose has been discovered yet. Most are just deep, dark shades of crimson, red, or purple. Symbolizing power, elegance, farewell, and mystery, these best Types of Black Roses are a must-have in your plant collection!
Most Stunning Types of Black Roses
Do note that the roses on this list do not have typical ‘Black’ color. They have a deeper than usual color tone, which gives them a black hue when looked at from certain angles.
Black Cherry Rose

This beautiful heirloom rose derives its pretty name from huge, nearly black flowers. It is deep burgundy red in color with no scent and is around 3-4 inches wide.
Black Baccara Rose

This flower was developed in 2005. Though it has no fragrance, it looks stunning with its very dark, nearly black bud and takes a beautiful deep crimson shade when it blooms.
Black Velvet Rose

It has a deep burgundy hue with a dark velvety appearance. This rose is high on fragrance and is popular in the perfume industry. It blooms every year in summer until fall.
Black Magic Rose

Black magic’s bud is quite black, and it is often used in this form to give an appearance of a black rose. It looks lovely with its deep red velvety petals and beautiful dark green foliage.
Black Jade Rose

Black Jade rose is a deep, dark crimson flower that turns black in hotter climates. It is also popular as ‘BenBlack’ in some parts of the world.
Black Beauty Rose

In 1954, this large hybrid tea dark red colored rose was first introduced by Meilland in France. In its bud stage, the reverse of the petals appears dark velvety black-red in color.
Halfeti Black Rose

It is an extremely rare flower found only in a small village of Halfeti in Turkey. Though it blooms dark red in color, it turns slightly black afterward and reaches a pitch-black shade at maturity due to a certain pH level of the soil there.
Souvenir du Dr Jamain Rose

This highly fragrant rose with velvet-black to dark violet double blooms grows as a climber along with a shrub or a trellis. This flower thrives the best in partial shade that helps develop its rich color.

First introduced in 1934, Nigrette is another hybrid tea rose that produces medium-size flowers with a black-plum to maroon shade. It also has an intoxicating fragrance!
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Рекомендации по теме

I tried to plant black roses around my cemetery years ago but nothing ever came


Thank you for this information on these roses🌹

A red rose has always been a red rose to me, like the color red, but as we know, there is symbolism in everything to those who pay attention to symbolism... In the bible, red is referred to as sin that can be washed a way a cleansed to be snow white, which is awesome..REPENT🙌🙌🏽🙌🏻🙌🏿🙌🏾
and enjoy your cleansed, free life of sin⚘️
Resist the ways of the devil before he sets you up to lose your life over sin..🥀

Today, I was shown something that I looked over because I have made a choice today, and it was a choice that kept me saying no, no, no, but I said YES today and that's it..I slept on it and Im going to pray on
and live the life that the Lord Jesus Christ wants me to live..and I wish the same for those of you who are tired of wondering why this and why that in your lives..

God bless you all🇺🇲

Stay beautiful..🦉


Where can one get the velvet rose seeds from? I once saw very big roses flowers from Russia 🇷🇺


Can you give me Halfeti black rose....I'll be buy?


If you want to know about real black rose that grows only in that place black I mean ash dark and thick velvet texture it's pedals under the sun so visible very dark blackest red and it's odor ohh my ther is no other so exotic and beautiful and strong odor, even people have tried take soil from there and rose bush and take it to istanbul but did not gave black rose changed to dark red like roses in this video. Real blac rose of halfeti in turkiye
