The Best Red Fish Options for Your Aquarium - We Have Something For Every Size Tank!

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Hello Everyone!
In this video we take a look at some really cool red fish for your aquarium. If you want to see other fish color options check out these videos:

If you want to learn more about some of the fish featured in this video check out these species profiles!

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f you want to see all the cool stuff Joanna does with other types of scapes check out her channel!

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#aquariums #aquariumfish #fishtank
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If you want to see other fish color options check out these videos:

If you want to learn more about some of the fish featured in this video check out these species profiles!

Want to see more fish science and behind the scenes action in the fish room? Consider becoming a member! Join by clicking the Join button on desktop (the Join button is broken on mobile). We appreciate your support.

For the latest in the fish room check us out on Instagram primetime_aquatics


Someone should make a chart where you pick your tank size, then pick your substrate, then planted or not, hard or soft water, temperature, tankmates or nah etc. Then in the end it shows the ideal fish to add 🤗


Love videos like this!! If you've got more for other colours it'd be awesome please 🙂


Happy Monday!! I hope you guys had a fantastic weekend !!!
Another fantastic list!! I like the rosie barbs and I've been eyeing the long-finned ones ♥️
I finally got to see some rainbow fish at a pet store yesterday. I think they were the bosmani (if I spelled that right)
I saw some little short bodied platys I don't think they were balloon but they were shorter and they were deep deep dark orange red. They were stunning and super cute!
And you are right red looks absolutely gorgeous against the Green of the plants especially if everything's blacked out like the background and substrate!!
My kitchen tank with my red betta in it is really pretty!!
I've really been thinking hard about the pencil fish. They're just simply cool!
I also want some super red plecos!!
I love it!! Thank you so much for another fantastic video!
I can't wait to hear some more about aquashella!!
I hope you all have a very blessed day!!🙏✨🌿🐟🌿💚♥️


Thanks for making Monday a little happier. I'm enjoying the fish color series.


Thank you! I may get back into guppies just to get red ones!!


Love love love Cherry Barbs! Another great vid. Thanks guys!! 🤙🏻


Many thanks for another fun and informative video. I have an idea for a fun topic...Fish with food sounding names. E.g. lemon tetra, chilli rasbora, pineapple sword, honey gourami.To name but a few.😊


Hi guys! Great video! ❤ so glad we got to spend some time together this weekend at aquashella!


I have Cherry Barbs in my community tank and I absolutely love them! My dominant male is this intense bright red.


Those pencil fish look so cool! I've heard they like to jump out.


I adore the chili rasboras.
Great list guys.


Great informative video as usual! I appreciate the sense of humor at the end. 😂🌱🐌🐟


The Peruvian Pencil Fish simply wooo 🤩


Great video guys, my favorite that I currently have are a red empress and also an albino red empress.


Happy Tuesday /post -Monday! Another Great video for fulfilling the full spectrum of colors that are available in aquatic and invertebrate livestock. I can't wait to add it on to the live chat tomorrow🤓 ✨🌟💫😎 It really is amazing how something so small is a few cherry barbs can deliver an instant pop of color in an aquarium. The larger cichlids are beautiful.. The first time I saw a jewel cichlid in person I was fascinated by its spangling. The festae, that is a unique fish in the way it changes its spectrum so rapidly. Thank you for adding on the caveat that those are definitely not for beginners.


Great video guys. Thank you. Being the Nano Fish Afficianado that you are Joanna, I'm surprised that you forgot about Ember Tetras.


Great list, love those Peruvian red pencil fish! 👍


Red Devil Cichlids! I just picked up two of them


Going to try cherry shrimp for the 1st time they are so cute and yea the red bettas are gorgeous. I have my red plakat in a green plants tank and he is stunning. Great video, thank you both😊
